[Bioc-devel] topGO - BPontology Building most specific GOs ..... ontology: BP colnames Entry GO CC BP MF PE ( 2631 GO terms found. ) Build GO DAG topology .......... There are no adj nodes for node: GO:1904722

Witold E Wolski wewolski at gmail.com
Mon Jan 18 19:08:49 CET 2016

I am trying to run topGO but

relatively frequently produces this kind of errors for some
selectedSet and backgroundSet.

MF ontology

Building most specific GOs .....
ontology: MF colnames Entry GO CC BP MF PE
( 725 GO terms found. )

Build GO DAG topology ..........
 There are no adj nodes for node:  GO:1904713
 Show Traceback

Rerun with Debug

Can it have anything to do with the fact that I am using uniprot id -
goterm mappings downloaded from uniprot and that uniprot ships with
more goterms than those topGO knows about?

I have my own topGO compatible annFun.uniprot  and I think my
functions works OK.  I think so because new("topGOdata",
works for mice (mus musculus) most of the time but frequently fails for human.

Just wondering what I can do about it?

If anyone is interested in reproducing the errors plaese do feel free to install



and run the (failing examples) in topGODataNew which is facade to

Witold Eryk Wolski

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