[Bioc-devel] Help using Git with Bioconductor SVN repositories

Leonardo Collado Torres lcollado at jhu.edu
Mon Oct 19 17:01:54 CEST 2015


I recommend using git cherry-pick as Jim described in other threads.
You might also want to check out Mike's instructions. You'll find all
the links at https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/bioc-devel/2015-October/008141.html


On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 5:35 AM, Elena Grassi <grassi.e at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Then I tried forking the repo available from bioconductor-mirror
>> (https://github.com/Bioconductor-mirror/GenomicTuples). This resulted
>> in an error due to a non-existent devel branch.
> Yep, same here. I disabilited the git-svn bridge forked the
> Bioconductor-mirror/REPO and cloned it, used update_remotes.sh but no
> devel branch there:
> data at decoder:~/Dropbox/work/RNAseq/ERI/roar/roar_svn$ git branch -a
> * master
>   remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
>   remotes/origin/master
>   remotes/origin/release-3.0
>   remotes/origin/release-3.1
> I was thinking that I will be using master as devel while reading the
> docs then I stumbled across devel and stopped there.
> I've seen people talking about cherry pick to keep their previous git
> history but it's not really clear to me how this should work...I was
> willing to use git-diff to get back my previous work. If that sounds a
> good approach then another question: can I use the forked repo adding
> branches to develop new feature in a separate branch and then
> merge/rebase/whatever them in master (or devel?) when they are ready
> to go in the devel version of my package?
> Thank you very much,
> E.
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