[Bioc-devel] Documentation of GenomicRanges::follow etc. very hard to find
Martin Morgan
mtmorgan at fredhutch.org
Wed Feb 18 17:13:14 CET 2015
On 02/18/2015 08:05 AM, Philip Lijnzaad wrote:
> Dear all,
> looking up the documentation on functions like follow() and precede() is
> very hard, since they are only documented under the topic "nearest-methods",
> which currently (GenomicRanges package 1.18.4) can only be found using the
> ?? operator (and having found the name of the topic, most newbies are still
> method?"follow<tab>
suggesting, e.g.,
> method?"follow,GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges"
> lost since ?nearest-methods lands you in the man page on Arithmetic
> Operators, since they didn't do ?`nearest-methods`)
> I see that the nearest-methods.Rd file contains aliases such as
> \alias{follow,GenomicRanges,GenomicRanges-method}
> \alias{follow,GenomicRanges,missing-method}
> but methods from many other Bioconductor packages, including
> IRanges::findOverlaps and GenomicRanges::findOverlaps have plain
> unqualified \alias{methodname} lines in their man pages as well, which
> makes it much easier to look up documentation. (Of course, the user may be
> presented with the "Help on topic such-and-such was found in the following
> packages:"-dialogue but that is fine).
> So my question is: is there a good reason not to add the following general
> aliases
> \alias{precede)
> \alias{follow)
> \alias{nearest)
> \alias{distance)
> \alias{distanceToNearest)
> in nearest-methods.Rd ?Without them, it's hard to look up the documentation,
> so can these general aliases please be added, just like for
> inter-range-methods.Rd? Many thanks in advance,
> Philip
> --
> Philip Lijnzaad, PhD
> Molecular Cancer Research
> University Medical Center (UMC), Utrecht
> Stratenum room 2.211
> IM: [1]plijnzaad at jabber.org , [2]philip.lijnzaad at gmail.com
> P.O. Box 85060, 3508 AB Utrecht
> (Universiteitsweg 100, 3584 CG Utrecht)
> The Netherlands
> tel: +31 (0)8875 68464
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