[Bioc-devel] request for more notices about build issues

Michael Love michaelisaiahlove at gmail.com
Wed Apr 8 20:03:02 CEST 2015

dear core Bioc-ers,

It would be nice to have more devel mailing list notices about large
scale build issues, just to keep developers in the loop. (e.g. I often
get a number of emails when GenomicRanges is down, asking why I'm
breaking someone's downstream package).

Or if you don't want to "push" these out to the list, to have a URL
where core team could post information about what's going on in devel
and rough timelines about upcoming changes. Then developers can "pull"
this information when they need to.

thanks for all your work! There are lots of exciting things in the
next release, and I know that's it's a lot of work to get to the



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