[Bioc-devel] Some Question about the mailing list~~HELP!

michaelxlz michaelxlz at gmail.com
Sun May 20 17:19:36 CEST 2007

Dear bioc-devel:

First, I make a self-introduction. I'm a junior student majored in 
statistics from School of Mathematical Science of Peking University, 
Beijing, China PR.

	This year, I began my research work in Microarray analysis
and Computational Biology. Yet now, I encouter with some problems
in some R codes concerning the pre-processing of microarray.
I am grateful that I can find help from the mailing list.

	Could you add me into the mailing list? Could you help me that
on earth how I can find help through the mailing list? 

Thank you very much!

										Michael Xue
Michael Xue
Department of Probability and Statistics
School of Mathematical Science
Peking University, Beijing, P.R.China
Phone: +86 10 52767241
Personal Homepage:http://michaelxlz.googlepages.com/

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