Seminar for Statistics

Material for Project

Latex Sources

Style Files (zip)
Beamer Class (download)
Testing different Beamer Themes

Latex Templates and Examples

Report (.tex, .pdf)
Seminar Talk (.tex, .pdf)
knitr-Beispiel: Resultat (pdf), Source File (Rnw)

Sweave Templates and Examples

Sweave combines Latex and R. The Sweave software itself is part of every R installation, see > help("Sweave", package="utils") and Friedrich Leisch's Webpage on Sweave.

Additional material:
- short introduction to Sweave [.pdf]
- Sweave User Manual [.pdf]

There is also a combination of Word (xml) and R, called odfweave, see
- a presentation by Max Kuhn [.pdf]
- and the respective R package odfWeave.

Example Reports

Bericht Pralinen (in German, .pdf)

Project Reports from previous semesters [Link]


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