[Statlist] Workshop on "Causality in Extremes" in Geneva

Sebastian Engelke Seb@@t|@n@Enge|ke @end|ng |rom un|ge@ch
Mon Oct 9 16:36:07 CEST 2023

Dear all,

We organize the workshop �Causality in Extremes�, which will take place at the University of Geneva from February 14 � 16, 2024. Our aim is to bring together researchers from the fields of extremes, causality and applied fields (e.g., climate and environmental sciences). Further information can be found on the workshop website:


Registration for the workshop is now open and closes on October 31, 2023.

Prior to the workshop, from February 12 � 13, 2024, we organize two mini-courses, namely:

  *   Mini-course on extremes, taught by Chen Zhou (Erasmus University Rotterdam);

  *   Mini-course on graphical models and causality, taught by Nicola Gnecco (University of California, Berkeley).

Young researchers with limited travel resources can apply for funding for accommodation in Geneva; further information is available on the website of the workshop.

Best wishes,

Gloria Buritic�, Sebastian Engelke, Jonas Peters and Frank R�ttger

Dr. Sebastian Engelke
Associate Professor
Research Center for Statistics
University of Geneva
CH-1205 Geneva, Switzerland

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