[Statlist] internship in Biostatistics

Rousson Valentin V@|ent|n@Rou@@on @end|ng |rom chuv@ch
Tue Jun 6 10:25:56 CEST 2017

Dear Statlist subscriber,

The Institute for Social and Preventive Medicine from the University Hospital Lausanne (https://www.iumsp.ch/) is currently offering an internship in Biostatistics for a period of six months, starting September 1, 2017.

The tasks will consist in:

- Perform statistical analyses (under the supervision of a senior biostatistican) for a project on the development and validaton of an indicator to measure the quality of care on older patients using routine data collected in Swiss hospitals

- Review the literature about statistical methods on predictive models validation

- Write an internal statistical report describing the analyses done

- Contribute to some routine tasks within the work of the Health Care Evaluation Unit from the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine (University Hospital Lausanne)

The successful candidate will possess:

- a Bachelor in Mathematics, Statistics, Informatics or equivalent

- Good basis knowledge in Statistics (including regression)

- Good knowledge of R (including programmation)

- Interest in Public Health

Interested candidates can send their applicaton file (CV and motivation letter) compiled into a single PDF document to <mailto:marie-annick.le-pogam using chuv.ch> marie-annick.le-pogam using chuv.ch (deadline June 30, 2017).

Best regards,
Valentin Rousson

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