[Statlist] PhD positions at TU Delft

iutz@duembge@ m@iii@g oii st@t@u@ibe@ch iutz@duembge@ m@iii@g oii st@t@u@ibe@ch
Sat Oct 31 11:03:43 CET 2015

Delft University of Technology

In the project “Extensive quantification of microstructure features and statistical relations with mechanical behaviour” (MICtoMEC), funded by the Dutch Technology Foundation (http://www.stw.nl/), there are two vacancies for PhD students. One of these is in statistics. The project is aimed at investigating the relation between microstructural and mechanical properties of steel, and will be supervised by prof.  G. Jongbloed (Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, http://dutiosc.twi.tudelft.nl/~geurt) and prof. J. Sietsma (Department of Materials Science and Engineering, http://www.3me.tudelft.nl/over-de-faculteit/afdelingen/materials-science-and-engineering/medewerkers/sietsma_j/). The project will be carried out in close collaboration with Dr. P.P.J. Kok of Tata Steel (http://www.tatasteel.nl/) and with the Materials Innovation Institute M2i (http://www.m2i.nl/).


The PhD student in statistics will perform research in the area of applied statistics, focusing on stochastic modeling, model selection and inverse problems in the context of materials science. In particular, (s)he will work on modeling the relationship between microstructural properties of steel and its mechanical properties. State of the art data acquisition techniques and physical models will be used to this end. For the materials science part, another PhD student will be recruited. With this student,  there will be intensive contact.

The PhD student will present his/her  results at high-quality relevant conferences and publish them in quality peer-reviewed journals in the field, culminating in a PhD thesis to be defended in public.


The candidate must be talented, ambitious and highly motivated, in possession of an MSc degree in mathematics, physics, computer science (specialized in machine learning) or another relevant area. Candidates should have a strong interest in statistical methodology and physical applications. In addition, we require proficiency in reading and writing scientific papers in English.

More information

More information on this project, also on how to apply, can be found here: http://dutiosc.twi.tudelft.nl/~geurt/home/MicToMec.pdf.  For more details on this vacancy, please contact G. Jongbloed (G.Jongbloed using tudelft.nl).

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