[Statlist] Swiss Statistics Seminar, Spring 2009

Dümbgen Lutz |utz@duembgen @end|ng |rom @t@t@un|be@ch
Wed Mar 25 10:36:10 CET 2009

Dear statisticians and colleagues,

The next Swiss Statistics Seminar will be on April 24, 2009, in Bern.  
Our speakers are

    Alan Welsh (Australian National University)
    Regina Liu (Rutgers University)
    Richard Gill (University of Leiden)

More details on the program can be found at


Looking forward to see you in Bern!

With kind regards,

Lutz Duembgen

University of Bern
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Institute of Mathematical Statistics
  and Actuarial Science

Prof. Lutz Duembgen

Alpeneggstrasse 22
CH-3012 Bern, Switzerland
Phone: +41 (0)31 631-8802
Fax:   +41 (0)31 631-3805
mailto:duembgen using stat.unibe.ch

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