[Statlist] Swiss Statistics Seminar in Bern, 8 December 2006

Anne-Lise Courvoisier @nne-||@e@courvo|@|er @end|ng |rom ep||@ch
Thu Nov 2 14:41:45 CET 2006

>From: Anthony Davison <Anthony.Davison using epfl.ch>
>Swiss Statistics Seminar in Bern, 8 December 2006
>The next meeting of the Swiss Statistics Seminar will take place on the afternoon
>of 8 December in Bern.  The speakers are Marc Genton  (Universit� de Gen�ve), 
>Juan Jos� Egozcue (Universidad Polit�cnica de Catalu�a), Tony Rossini 
>(Novartis Basel), and Christophe Croux (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven).
>More details can be found at
>In the morning of 8 December, and also in Bern, there will be an opportunity for graduate 
>students to present their work to each other.  This is a chance to establish contacts, to 
>practice giving a short talk, and to discuss your research with others at a similar stage, 
>all in a relatively informal atmosphere. This event is being organised by two graduate students, 
>and is currently planned to take place from 10-12 am in room B78.
>If you are a graduate student and would like to present your work (around 20 minutes, including
>discussion), please contact <mailto:philipp.muri using stat.unibe.ch>philipp.muri using stat.unibe.ch or <mailto:marco.collenberg using stat.unibe.ch>marco.collenberg using stat.unibe.ch.
>If you are a supervisor, please encourage your PhD student(s) to attend this event, and to
>give a talk!

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