Use of message() in fCalendar and fSeries

Yohan Chalabi chalabi at
Mon May 25 17:20:37 CEST 2009

>>>> "PBR" == Prof Brian Ripley <ripley at>
>>>> on Mon, 25 May 2009 09:29:19 +0100 (BST)

   PBR> These come from the startup messages in those packages --
   PBR> although you
   PBR> carefully define MSG() you then do not use it for all of
   PBR> the messages,
   PBR> so could you please do so?

Thank you for your message. 

I changed zzz.R in fSeries/fCalendar and uploaded new versions to CRAN. 

   PBR> If this is supposed to mean that QRMlib should be calling
   PBR> 'timeSeries'
   PBR> rather than 'fSeries', please inform its maintainer.

We made internal changes in the classes which were not backward
compatible. So, we decided to continue their development with new
packages and leave the old classes available. The changes were
needed to improve usability and performance.

We have already contacted maintainers of the packages which depend on the
mentioned packages. We will contact them again to encourage them to
switch to the new versions.

   PBR> (I don't know
   PBR> what the message is supposed to help with: if I drive an
   PBR> Opel/Vauxhall
   PBR> Vectra, how does help me to know that the new model is called
   PBR> something else?)

In terms of cars, the message should help the user to know that he can
exchange his Opel with a new Porsche with little effort ;)

We'll try to figure out a better phrasing for the startup message.

Thanks again for your suggestions.

Best regards,

PhD student
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology

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