Bug timeSeries 270.76.1 - [ ] Message is from an unknown sender

Daniele Amberti daniele.amberti at ors.it
Wed Nov 5 16:52:12 CET 2008

Yes, below You can find some code that make problem clear:

MyTZ <- Sys.getenv("TZ")

Sys.setenv(TZ = "")
# The problem is in timeSequence in a call to "strptime(charvec, isoFormat)" without the timezone.
# look for  [2008-03-30 02:00:00]
tseq <- timeSequence( from = '2008-03-29', to = '2008-03-31', by = "hour", zone = "GMT")
timeSeries(1:length(tseq), as.character(tseq),)

Sys.setenv(TZ = "GMT")
# The problem is in timeSequence in a call to "strptime(charvec, isoFormat)" without the timezone.
# look for  [2008-03-30 02:00:00]
tseq <- timeSequence( from = '2008-03-29', to = '2008-03-31', by = "hour", zone = "GMT")
timeSeries(1:length(tseq), as.character(tseq),)

Sys.setenv(TZ = MyTZ)

-----Original Message-----
From: Yohan Chalabi [mailto:chalabi at phys.ethz.ch]
Sent: 05 November 2008 15:43
To: Daniele Amberti
Cc: Rmetrics-core at r-project.org
Subject: Re: Bug timeSeries 270.76.1 - [ ] Message is from an unknown sender

>>>> "DA" == Daniele Amberti <daniele.amberti at ors.it>
>>>> on Mon, 3 Nov 2008 18:00:18 +0100

   DA> I found that if I specify  zone ="GMT" in timeSeries(), the low level function strptime() is called without specifying the zone.
   DA> Having an hourly time series with data around the daylightsaving switch date will cause an error and a count instead of dates.
   DA> Thanks

Dear Daniele,

thanks for the report.

Have you noticed that the new version of 'fSeries' and 'fCalendar' are now
called 'timeSeries' and 'timeDate'. We changed their names to reflect
the internal changes of their respective classes.

The version number you used in your title is the one of the 'fSeries'

Could you please let me know if you have the same problem with the new
'timeSeries' package?

It would be very helpful if you could provide a minimal and reproducible
code to illustrate the problem.

Best regards,

PhD student
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology



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