[R-wiki] thoughts and questions after moving some of rtips

Philippe Grosjean phgrosjean at sciviews.org
Wed Feb 1 09:02:33 CET 2006

Hello Ben and the other,

I am a little bit off R wiki this week, because I have urgent tasks. 
However, be sure I will work on the structure next week.

Ben Bolker wrote:
>   1. how would you insert a literal [[ into DokuWiki without it thinking
> it was an open-link delimiter?

For any part of the text you dont want to be interpreted as a wiki 
marker, you can use:
or the shorthand:
or include it in a <code></code> or <file></file> chunk

This is how to introduce %%[[%% in text, or <nowiki>[[</nowiki>
In code chunks, there is not problems to introduce a [[!

>   2. I sure hope there's an easy way for Phillipe to move stuff around 
> between namespaces on the back end without copying/pasting/deleting old 
> files. From doing just this much I see a very strong argument for
> getting as much of the final structure in place **before** populating
> the Wiki with a lot of information, since moving stuff around afterwards
> is going to add a lot of work

Yes, indeed: I have access to the structure on the server. I'll 
implement the new structure as soon as possible.

> 3. in case anyone's interested, the way to delete a page is to erase
> everything in it

Yes... and most importantly: all successive versions of the page are not 
deleted. So, if you delete a page by error and want to restore it, just 
recreate a page with the same name, look at "Old revisions" and restore 
the one you need.

> 4. I think Rtips links (at least) should try to give the important 
> function in the title: for example,
> "Aggregate values, one for each line: by()"
> is *much* more useful than
> "Aggregate values, one for each line"
>   if you're reasonably clueful you can skim the contents lines and
> figure out what function to use without clicking through to the page

Brilliant! This should be applied also everywhere, but still emphasize 
on the function, that is, have a short description in English as title, 
followed by the name of the key function(s)

> 5. it seems that the index sorts things into alphabetical order
> even when they're numbered lists?

Well... yes, an index uses to short items alphabetically, isn'it? I 
really have to implement sidebars, because it seems something hard to 
imagine for most of you. In sidebars, tables of content can be arranged 
in a different way.


Philippe Grosjean

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