[RsR] New maintainer?? Package 'robust' (original S+ "Library 'robust') orphaned on CRAN

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Fri Feb 28 11:03:13 CET 2020

Dear R Robustniks,

as I am the maintainer of package 'robustbase' and am submitting
a new version of it to CRAN,
it came to my knowledge that package 'robust' (= the original
S-plus "Library 'robust', then released to CRAN, maintained by
Kjell Konis for time) has been orphaned on CRAN relatively
As I have 'robust' among the 'Suggests: ' entries of "my"
package 'robustbase' I now get a  NOTE   about suggesting an
orphaned package.
I've been formally a co-author of that package (togeth

I personally would think it to be a loss for the "robustnik
community" if this package would not remain easily available
(notably on Windows, also the Mac where most people cannot
 install package from the source but are used to install the
 binary built package from CRAN).

Are some you willing and capable to become the maintainer of
'robust' (with the perspective to do this for a couple of years)?


Martin <Maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch>   http://stat.ethz.ch/~maechler
Seminar für Statistik, ETH Zürich   HG G 16         Rämistrasse 101
phone: +41-44-632-3408      fax: ...-1228     <><

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