[RsR] Distribution of robust distances

Southworth, Harry H@rry@Southworth @end|ng |rom @@tr@zenec@@com
Tue Aug 28 16:21:59 CEST 2007


Has anyone implemented anything to compute quantiles of the distribution
of robust distances following Hardin & Rocke

I've got a function to do it, but I can't reproduce the results of
Hardin & Rock because my function is returning values that are too high.
Searching the R help archive, I found a message from 2004 describing the
same problem(http://tolstoy.newcastle.edu.au/R/help/04/05/1296.html).
The code in that message is essentially similar to mine (except that he
uses a 1 - h/n that I think should be h/n).

I'd be grateful of any pointers.


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