[RsR] lmrob: lmrob.S()-Warning is not in the result returned

Locher René (lor) |or @end|ng |rom zhw|n@ch
Tue Jun 5 18:24:47 CEST 2007

Dear Matias

When I run the following code I get 2 warnings:
lmrob.S(): refinements did not converge (to tol=1e-07) in 200 iterations 

test <- data.frame(lconc=c(3.081910,3.165475,2.501436,3.650658,

res <- lmrob(lconc~dist, dat=test)

res$converged gives TRUE as the IRWLS iterations after the lmrob.S() have converged.

It would be nice to have also the convergence status of lmrob.S() in the result object of lmrob().

Kind regards


René Locher                                   E-Mail: rene.locher using zhwin.ch
Institut für Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign   Tel:    052/ 267 7810
Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur                 Fax:    052/ 268 7810
Technopark / Jägerstrasse 2                   
CH-8400 Winterthur                            http://www.idp.zhwin.ch

Here is the version of my system on which I have tested the example:

version              _                           
## platform       i386-pc-mingw32             
## arch           i386                        
## os             mingw32                     
## system         i386, mingw32               
## status                                     
## major          2                           
## minor          5.0                         
## year           2007                        
## month          04                          
## day            23                          
## svn rev        41293                       
## language       R                           
## version.string R version 2.5.0 (2007-04-23)

## Version:       0.2-7

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