[RsR] Addendum to test dataset for robustbase V 0.1-5

Locher René (lor) |or @end|ng |rom zhw|n@ch
Thu Apr 20 18:45:57 CEST 2006

Hello to everybody

I have sent you another dataset than I thougt. The description is still valid but there are more NAs in it so that some factor levels are less populated than in the other dataset.

To get the same "quality" for the dataset you need to execute two lines of code in addition.

dat <- na.omit(read.table(file="air.txt"))

jul <- names(table(dat$julday))[table(dat$julday)>=20]
dat <- dat[is.element(dat$julday,jul),]

dat$julday <- factor(dat$julday)
dim(dat)  ## 8088    5
r.MM01 <- lmrob(LNOx ~ LNOxEm + sqrtWS + julday,
                dat=dat,  compute.rd = FALSE)

Kind regards


René Locher                                   E-Mail: rene.locher using zhwin.ch
Institut für Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign   Tel:    052/ 267 7810
Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur                 Fax:    052/ 268 7810
Technopark / Jägerstrasse 2                   
CH-8400 Winterthur                            http://www.idp.zhwin.ch

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