[RsR] robustbase V 0.1-5

Locher René (lor) |or @end|ng |rom zhw|n@ch
Thu Apr 20 13:19:14 CEST 2006

Dear Martin

As you think, that this discussion (and the dataset) is interesting enough for other people working on robustness, I followed your suggestion and posted this mail for the R-SIG-robust-Community. You might recapitulate later our discussion leading to this mail for the rest of the R-SIG-robust-Community.

I have mentioned this morning during our phonecall, that the dataset included cannot be published at the moment officially with all the information statisticians would like. I am sure that a will finally get the permission to do so and you will send additional variables. For the moment I can give you only the following information:

LNOx:   log of hourly mean of NOx concentration in ambient air [ppb] next to a highly frequented motorway
LNOxEm: log of hourly sum of NOx emission of cars on this motorway in arbitrary units
sqrtWS: Square root of wind speed [m/s]

The model I used for this discussion is not the full model I am using to describe the ambient concentration at the moment. Furthermore, I am still working on the improvement of the model. Be aware that this dataset contains, contrary to the former extract, still some NAs!

Here is again the (slightly modified) code I have (finally) used to test lmrob() V 0.1-5 discussed in our mail thread:

dat <- na.omit(read.table(file="air.txt"))
dat$julday <- factor(dat$julday)
dim(dat)  ## 8197    5

r.MM01 <- lmrob(LNOx ~ LNOxEm + sqrtWS + julday,
                dat=dat,  compute.rd = FALSE)  

I got the repeated error message: 
Too many singular resamples

and could not abort the function by pressing Control-C. A part of this problem has been fixed meanwhile by you.

Kind regards


René Locher                                   E-Mail: rene.locher using zhwin.ch
Institut für Datenanalyse und Prozessdesign   Tel:    052/ 267 7810
Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur                 Fax:    052/ 268 7810
Technopark / Jägerstrasse 2                   
CH-8400 Winterthur                            http://www.idp.zhwin.ch

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