[RsR] Package name voting state

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Thu Dec 15 17:52:46 CET 2005

I didn't get strong statements for yet another name, so the vote
"is it" ...  Well, it seems pretty clear at the moment, but
then, many more people could still vote...

A simple R script (and a cron job) auto-produces the
from the data file {that I update manually}.

I know from politics that it is strictly forbidden to publish
polls when the vote is still happening {because of the
well-known "the winner takes it all" effect},
but then we want to have some fun, too...  ;-)


>>>>> "MM" == Martin Maechler <maechler using stat.math.ethz.ch>
>>>>>     on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 16:12:33 +0100 writes:


    MM> I'd like to reach a conclusion.

    MM> On some forums, the last answer is taken to be okay when nobody
    MM> replies anymore.  I doubt though that this would be the case
    MM> here :-)

    MM> In my (biased) view I think we have the following highest
    MM> ranking contenders ("-" and "." are not to be used in package names):

    MM> 1  robustbase
    MM> 2  robustats
    MM> 3  robustat
    MM> 4  robusta

    MM> with some google-statistics arguments against #4.

    MM> Unless there are urgent new contenders, 
    MM> can I collect votes, please?
    MM> To make it interesting, everyone would have 3 votes that can of
    MM> course be partitioned as  3 or 2+1 or 1+1+1.

    MM> Ideally, you send them privately to me {where you have to trust
    MM> my honesty ;-)}, or then (mis)use the list.

    MM> In order to easily collect the votes, a simple e-mail with only
    MM> one line such as 

    MM> Alfio  3 0 0 0
    MM> ( "Alfio gives all his 3 votes to 'robustbase'") 
    MM> or
    MM> Martin 0 1 0 2
    MM> ( "Martin gives 1 to 'robustats' and 2 to 'robusta')

    MM> would make things quite efficient for me
    MM> since I could use read.table() and rowSums() and colSums() to
    MM> check and summarize.

    MM> Unless we get new contenders (i.e. names for the above list)
    MM> within the next 12 hours, I'll be collecting votes till
    MM> Sunday, Dec.18, midnight MET (= UTC+1).

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