[RsR] [R] M-estimator R function question

Martin Maechler m@ech|er @end|ng |rom @t@t@m@th@ethz@ch
Mon Dec 5 12:25:56 CET 2005

>>>>> "Kjell" == Kjell Konis <konis using stats.ox.ac.uk>
>>>>>     on Mon, 5 Dec 2005 10:29:11 +0000 writes:

    Kjell> Here is an implementation of the OGK estimator
    Kjell> completely in R.  I haven't touched it for a while
    Kjell> and I forget how thoroughly I tested it so use it
    Kjell> with a bit of caution.

    Kjell>    http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~konis/pairwise.q

excellent!  That's exactly what I meant (in my post two hours

  The general OGK algorithm, but with the  flexibility of the main
  function having arguments for the "building block" functions, so
  one can use different univariate sigma() or ``weight()'' functions!

When we'll start to discuss things along the  covRobust()
proposal(s) from the "multivariate" working group, we'll also
have to think about function name(s) and the returned object
("output"),  but I think our student will be able use your
function "as is".

Thanks a lot, Kjell!


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