[R-sig-ME] glmmTMB question - diagnostic plots of model fit and effect sizes

Luke D. Fannin Luke@D@F@nn|n@GR @end|ng |rom d@rtmouth@edu
Tue Jul 23 18:27:16 CEST 2024

Dear Dr. Bolker,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is Luke Fannin; I�m an EEB  graduate student at Dartmouth College. I am wondering if I can ask for your advice on some analyses I�ve been running with glmmTMB.

Specifically, I have two questions. Is there a way within the package to: plot a diagnostic plot of model predictions against data to evaluate performance? Also, is there a handy way to calculate parameter effect sizes? I�ve been working with the zero-inflated NB models specifically, but I wanted to make sure I hadn�t missed any references to these issues in your helpful GLMM FAQ online. Any help would be most appreciated. Thank you in advance and I look  forward to hearing from you.

Best,  Luke

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