[R-sig-ME] Paired ttest using lme4

Ghader Mirzaghaderi gh@m|rz@gh@der| @end|ng |rom uok@@c@|r
Mon Jun 17 16:01:25 CEST 2024

Dear Ben,

I appreciate your letting me know how the paired t-test is done using lmer function.

using the following code, the p-value from lmer is different from the paired t.test.

Many thanks

Best regards,


tt <- read.table(text = "
g y
1 2.39
1 2.59
1 2.44
2 4.34
2 2.89
2 3.77
", header = T)
t.test(tt$y ~ tt$g, var.equal = F, paired = T)

tt2 <- read.table(text = "
id  g y
a1 a 2.39
a2 a 2.59
a3 a 2.44
a1 b 4.34
a2 b 2.89
a3 b 3.77
", header = T)
anova(lmerTest::lmer(y ~ g + (1 | id), data = tt2))

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