[R-sig-ME] Spatial autocorrelation correction lme4
Ben Bolker
bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Jun 4 22:50:01 CEST 2023
(Note the list is not just me! -- I should have mentioned that when
I asked you to forward this e-mail to the mailing list ...)
The CRAN mixed models task view
https://cran.r-project.org/web/views/MixedModels.html lists the
following packages:
Spatial models: nlme (with corStruct functions), CARBayesST, sphet,
spind, spaMM, glmmfields, glmmTMB, inlabru (spatial point processes via
log-Gaussian Cox processes), brms, LMMsolver, bamlss; see also the
Spatial and SpatioTemporal CRAN task views.
These don't all handle GLMMs, but many of them do. glmmTMB or spaMM
might be the quickest to adapt.
There is a vignette about quasi-AIC associated with the bbmle
package, but it's not very optimistic about the effort it would take to
get a qAIC out of a glmmPQL fit:
On 2023-06-04 4:43 p.m., Roberto Meseguer Rosagro wrote:
> Dear Dr. Bolker,
> As you are one of the authors of the lme4 package and you are so active in Stack Overflow, I'm reaching you for the following reason (any help would be appreciated):
> I'm building a GLMM (family=Gamma) in lme4 package with some spatially autocorrelated data. Is there any correction that can be applied to the model within this package?
> I know the package nlme has this possibility, but it is not suitable for the Gamma distribution. That's why I ran my global model using the function glmmPQL, from the MASS package (is appropriate for GLMM, and you can use the same structures than in nlme package, so I finally could apply the correction). The problem is that, as glmmPQL uses Penalized Quasi-Likelihood, it doesn't compute an AIC nor a BIC criterion to your global model; so then you cannot dredge it to average the models with �AIC < 2, as glmmPQL global model has not AIC!
> That is why I am wondering if there is any workaround to apply a correction for spatially autocorrelated data to my global lme4 model.
> Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for your attention.
> Best regards.
> Roberto Meseguer
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