[R-sig-ME] A question about multicollinear fixed/random factors
N o s t a l g i a
kenj|ro @end|ng |rom @ho|n@@c@jp
Mon Aug 22 09:02:26 CEST 2022
Dear Prof. Veríssimo,
Thanks for your prompt reply. I will proceed to analyze the data with
both days (as fixed) and the meeting (as random) included. Yes, I
understand the inclusion of session as another random factor and
by-word random slopes should be considered seriously.
Thanks again,
- Kenjiro Matsuda
On 2022/08/20 19:15, João Veríssimo wrote:
> If I'm understanding this right, I don't think there is a problem at all.
> Mixed-effects models can accommodate fixed effects at different levels
> and these can coexist with the random effects without any issues.
> Number of days is simply a 'Level-2' predictor, with a unique value
> for each meeting.
> (for more complex random-effects structures, you might want to
> consider the inclusion of session as another random factor and/or of
> by-word random slopes)
> João
> On 20/08/2022 09:40, N o s t a l g i a wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am looking at a character variation in Japanese parliamentary
>> minutes where the same character appears in two forms. In the
>> parliament, there are a number of different committee meetings
>> within the same session, and I am looking at 31 sessions over 10
>> years. The factors I am considering are: upper/lower house
>> distinction, meetings (meetings within each session, which are
>> different from session to session), days between 1949/5/20 (when the
>> first parliament was held) and the meeting, and the word within
>> which the character appears. Of these, meetings and the words are
>> random factors, and they have hundreds of levels. The total number
>> of cases is over one million.
>> The model I am considering is:
>> glmer (character ~ ul + days + (1|word) + (1|meeting), data =
>> glmmdata.1, family = binomial)
>> And here is my question: Since a given meeting is a unique one not
>> only in each session but in all the data, there would be a
>> multicollinear relationship between the days and the meeting, so
>> that specification of some meeting would necessarily result in a
>> specific value of days. Is it a problem in GLMM to have such pair of
>> fixed and random factors? If it is so, is there any ways to avoid
>> the problem?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Kenjiro Matsuda
>> Professor in Linguistics
>> Kobe Shoin Women's University
>> Kobe, Japan
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