[R-sig-ME] Fwd: What "pseudoreplication" or "degrees of freedom inflation" is in multilevel models?

Michele Scandola dr@@@tr@nge @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 2 10:54:17 CEST 2020

Dear all,

probably I am asking something very naive.
In that case, I am sorry, it is not my intention to bother you.
Recently I have found online some references concerning a
"pseudoreplication" or "degrees of freedom inflation" that I understood may
happen when you do not add in the random effects a factor that is a
within-subjects factor.
From the "degrees of freedom inflation" point-of-view, this is more
connected with p-value estimation, leading to an increased first-type
error. From the "pseudoreplication" point-of-view, it is as we are
declaring that data that are dependent, as they were independent.

Is it right? Do you have any specific bibliographic reference about that?

Thanks a lot for your time, best regards,

Michele Scandola

Assistant Professor @ NPSY-Lab.VR - University of Verona
Iscrizione all'albo A dell'Ordine degli Psicologi del Veneto n.7733

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