[R-sig-ME] Log likelihood of a glmer() binomial model .

Ben Bolker bbo|ker @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sat Apr 20 16:51:05 CEST 2019

  I agree with Juho that there's a typo -- would be something like.

 sum((y==1)*log(pred_prob) + (y==0)*log(1-pred_prob))

  As far as what predict() does: depending on the value of re.form, it
either gives a population-level prediction (R=0) or a conditional
prediction (R set to its conditional mode).  You might be looking for
*marginal* predictions (which Rizopoulous's GLMMadaptive package can do ...)

On 2019-04-20 3:42 a.m., Juho Kristian Ruohonen wrote:
> Rolf: Forgive my ignorance, but isn't the relevant log-likelihood here
> the log-likelihood of the observed responses in the validation set given
> the model-predicted probabilities? I.e. sum(dbinom(VS$y, size = VS$n,
> prob = predict(fit, newdata = VS, type = "response"), log = TRUE))? Even
> this would be somewhat off because dbinom() isn't aware of the
> random-effects integral business. But it looks to me like your current
> call is calculating the log-sum of the predicted probabilities of y = 1
> in the validation set, not the loglikelihood of the observed responses
> in the validation set.
> la 20. huhtik. 2019 klo 8.51 Rolf Turner (r.turner using auckland.ac.nz
> <mailto:r.turner using auckland.ac.nz>) kirjoitti:
>     On 20/04/19 12:44 PM, Ben Bolker wrote:
>     >    This seems wrong.
>     Yeah, that figures.
>     > The GLMM log-likelihood includes an integral over
>     > the distribution of the random effects.
>     I was aware of this.  I guess what I was naïvely expecting was that
>     predict.merMod() would handle this.  I.e. that this predict method
>     (with type = "response") would return, for each observed y_i in the
>     (new) data set
>        Pr(Y = y_i) = \int_0 Pr(Y = y_i | R = r) f(r) dr
>     where R is the vector of random effects and f(r) is its probability
>     density function (multivariate normal, with mean 0 and some covariance
>     matrix, which has been estimated in the fitting process.
>     I guess that this is *not* what predict.merMod() returns --- but I
>     don't
>     understand why not.  It seems to me that this is what it "should"
>     return.
>     I'm probably misunderstanding something, possibly simple, possibly
>     subtle.
>     Apropos of nothing much, what *does* predict.merMod() return?
>     Maybe Pr(Y = y_i | R = 0) ???
>     <SNIP>
>     >   Here is an **inefficient** method for computing the likelihood
>     >
>     >     coefs <- unlist(getME(fit,c("theta","beta"))
>     >     newdev <- update(fit, data=VS, devFunOnly=TRUE)
>     >     newdev(coefs)
>     >
>     > This is slow because it has to reconstruct all of the random-effects
>     > matrices, do permutations to reorder the relevant matrices to be as
>     > sparse as possible, etc. etc.
>     Thanks for this.  I'll give it a go.  I think that the slowness may not
>     be an overwhelming drawback.  Anyhow I shall try to test it out.
>     Thanks again.
>     cheers,
>     Rolf
>     -- 
>     Honorary Research Fellow
>     Department of Statistics
>     University of Auckland
>     Phone: +64-9-373-7599 ext. 88276
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