[R-sig-ME] Statistics course in Spain: Mixed effects modelling

Highland Statistics Ltd h|gh@t@t @end|ng |rom h|gh@t@t@com
Fri Mar 8 11:13:33 CET 2019

Apologies for cross-posting

We would like to announce the following statistics course.

Course: Linear Mixed Effects Models and GLMM with R-INLA.
Where:  University of Cádiz, Cádiz, Spain
When:   2-6 September 2019
Course website: http://highstat.com/index.php/courses-upcoming
Course flyer: 

The same course will also be given in St John’s, Canada. 12-16 August 2019

Kind regards,

Alain Zuur


Dr. Alain F. Zuur
Highland Statistics Ltd.
9 St Clair Wynd
AB41 6DZ Newburgh, UK
Email: highstat using highstat.com
URL:   www.highstat.com

NIOZ Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research,
Department of Coastal Systems, and Utrecht University,
P.O. Box 59, 1790 AB Den Burg,
Texel, The Netherlands

Author of:
1. Beginner's Guide to Spatial, Temporal and Spatial-Temporal Ecological Data Analysis with R-INLA. (2017).
2. Beginner's Guide to Zero-Inflated Models with R (2016).
3. Beginner's Guide to Data Exploration and Visualisation with R (2015).
4. Beginner's Guide to GAMM with R (2014).
5. Beginner's Guide to GLM and GLMM with R (2013).
6. Beginner's Guide to GAM with R (2012).
7. Zero Inflated Models and GLMM with R (2012).
8. A Beginner's Guide to R (2009).
9. Mixed effects models and extensions in ecology with R (2009).
10. Analysing Ecological Data (2007).

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