[R-sig-ME] Prediction variance for GLMM

Levine, Michael mlevin@ @ending from purdue@edu
Sat Jan 5 19:48:59 CET 2019

Dear all,

I would like to ask the following question. Is it possible to obtain prediction variances for GLMMs in the package lme4 , based e.g. on the function glmer? I know that it is possible to do it with "pure" GLM's but I don't see any options for GLMM's.  I realize there is a problem there because such a variance can be defined in several different ways...

Let me know and thanks a lot in advance!


Michael Levine
Associate Professor, Statistics

Department of Statistics
Purdue University
250 North University Street
West Lafayette, IN 47907 USA

email: mlevins using purdue.edu
Phone: +1-765-496-7571
Fax:   +1-765-494-0558
URL:   www.stat.purdue.edu/~mlevins

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