[R-sig-ME] mixed model in Cox PH with stratified hazard
Sarahí Rueda Salazar
@rued@ @ending from ced@u@b@e@
Mon Aug 27 03:19:56 CEST 2018
Hello, dear R users,
I´ve tried to fit a model with random intercept by countries in a cox
proportional hazard model with stratified hazard by different health
It is a frailty model for a multistate model.
Not sure if I can do it using coxME package,* Has anybody tried before?*
I think that variances for countries should be different by health
transition type but just I got one set of variances.
Any clue is more than welcome!
*Sarahí *
*Centre d'Estudis DemogràficsCarrer de Ca n'Altayó, Edifici E2Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona,08193
Bellaterra, Barcelona/SPAINPhone: 34/93.581.30.60
<34%2F93.581.30.60>Fax: 34/93.581.30.61
<34%2F93.581.30.61>e-mail: srueda using ced.uab.es
<ssancho using ced.uab.es>http://www.ced.uab.es
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