[R-sig-ME] GAMMs: difference smooths in itsadug

Sebastian Sauppe @@uppe@@ @ending from gm@il@com
Mon Jul 16 09:20:26 CEST 2018

Dear list members,

I have a question on the treatment of random effects in plotting difference smooths for GAMMs with the package itsadug.

I am modelling the time course of binomial data with mgcv::bam. The simplified formula is: cbind(success, failure) ~ 1 + s(Time, by = Condition) + s(Subject, Time, bs = „fs“) + s(Item, Time, bs = „fs“). The two factor smooths are supposed to account for the random effects of participants and stimuli in my experiments.

I would like to use itsadug::plot_diff() to visualize how the two conditions differ over time. However, I am not quite sure what the rm.ranef argument argument of this function does. What I basically want to do is to look at the difference the way one would look at a fixed effect in an GLMER model, i.e., looking at the fixed effect of the interaction of Time:Condition after the variance that can be ascribed to random effects of subjects and items have been accounted for. Would for this rm.ranef=TRUE or rm.ranef=FALSE be the right option?

Kind regards,

Dr. Sebastian Sauppe
Department of Comparative Linguistics, University of Zurich
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