[R-sig-ME] What is the lmer/nlme equivalent of the REPEATED subcommand in SPSS's MIXED procedure?

Maarten Jung Maarten.Jung at mailbox.tu-dresden.de
Thu Mar 22 11:03:37 CET 2018

Hi Ben,

I'm aware of this problem for lmer.
But how does gls() overcome the problem?


On Thu, Mar 22, 2018, 10:44 Ben Pelzer <b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl> wrote:

> Hi Maarten,
> Notice that with the syntax for lmer, 6 random-effect (co)variances must
> be estimated and 1 residual variance, so in total 7
> (co)variance-parameters. However, there are only 6 observed covariances,
> meaning that the model is over-specified. Many solutions are possible
> all having the same loglikelihood. Ignoring the nobs.vs.nRE rule leads
> to just one of the many solutions. I would not be surprised if you would
> find another solution after manipulating the starting values for the
> covariances or other criteria for convergence. Best regards,
> Ben.
> On 22/03/2018 10:05, Maarten Jung wrote:
> > I think the problem is that there is only one observation per
> > subject-occasion-combination in this example.
> > In this case the random slopes are confounded with the residual
> > variation (see [1]).
> >
> > One *can* fit this model using lmer(test ~ 1 + occ2 + occ3 + (1 + occ2
> > + occ3|person), data = mydata,  control =
> > lmerControl(check.nobs.vs.nRE = "ignore")) or
> > lme(test ~ 1 + occ2 + occ3, mydata, random = ~ occ2 + occ3|person).
> >
> > However, I don't know if the gls() fit ist more trustworthy than the
> > lmer/lme fit here.
> > I would be grateful if somebody more experienced in mixed models could
> > comment on this.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Maarten
> >
> > [1]
> >
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26465215/random-slope-for-time-in-subject-not-working-in-lme4?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa
> >
> > On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 9:27 PM, Ben Pelzer <b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl
> > <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>> wrote:
> >
> >     Hi Maarten,
> >
> >     Here is an example which shows the unstructured model with gls and
> the
> >     not converging model with lmer. In this example, we have three
> >     occasions
> >     on which the dependent variable "test" was observed, for each of 20
> >     persons. In total then we have 60 observations, with the "occasion"
> >     variable taking values 1, 2, 3. The data also contain the person id
> >     variable "person" and dummy variables "occ1", "occ2", "occ3" as (0
> >     or 1)
> >     indicators of the occasion.  In the syntax below, a factor variable
> >     "factor1" is created also, to be in line with your question.
> >
> >     I used two different specifications for the unstructured model
> >     with gls,
> >     depending on whether dummies or factor1 was used. For lmer, I used
> >     these
> >     three different specifications, none of which converges.
> >
> >     The lmer syntax was added only to show the problem which lmer has
> with
> >     estimating an unstructured correlation pattern.
> >
> >
> >
>  #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >     mydata <-
> >     read.table(url("
> https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/XfE3mtbFCTUejIz/download
> >     <
> https://surfdrive.surf.nl/files/index.php/s/XfE3mtbFCTUejIz/download>"),
> >     header=TRUE)
> >
> >
> >     #-------------------  unstructured correlation matrix
> >     -----------------------
> >
> >
> >     # Before applying a model, let's first examine the variances and
> >     correlations
> >     # for the three occasions. We have a strong violation of the
> >     assumptions
> >     # of homoscedasticity and compound symmetry.
> >     test1 <- mydata[mydata$occasion==1,"test"]
> >     test2 <- mydata[mydata$occasion==2,"test"]
> >     test3 <- mydata[mydata$occasion==3,"test"]
> >     cor(cbind(test1, test2, test3))
> >     var(cbind(test1, test2, test3))
> >
> >     # Unstructured model using gls from package nlme and dummies for
> >     occasion.
> >     # This model exactly reproduces the observed correlations between
> >     occasions.
> >     unstruc.gls1 <- gls(test ~ 1+ occ2 + occ3,
> >                                 method="REML", data=mydata,
> >                                 correlation=corSymm(form = ~ 1 |person),
> >                                 weights = varIdent(form = ~1|occasion))
> >     summary(unstruc.gls1)
> >
> >
> >     # Unstructured model using factor1 for occasion instead of dummies.
> >     # The results are exactly the same as those above, as should be.
> >     mydata$factor1 <- as.factor(mydata$occasion)
> >     unstruc.gls2 <- gls(test ~ factor1,
> >                          method="REML", data=mydata,
> >                          correlation=corSymm(form = ~ 1|person),
> >                          weights = varIdent(form = ~1|factor1))
> >     summary(unstruc.gls2)
> >
> >
> >     # Unstructured model using lmer and dummies for occasion: does not
> >     converge.
> >     unstruc.lmer <- lmer(test ~ 1+ occ2 + occ3 + (1+occ2+occ3|person),
> >                           data=mydata, REML=TRUE)
> >     summary(unstruc.lmer)
> >
> >
> >     # Unstructured model using lmer and factor1 for occasion: does not
> >     converge.
> >     unstruc.lmer <- lmer(test ~ 1+ factor1 + (1+factor1|person),
> >                           data=mydata, REML=TRUE)
> >     summary(unstruc.lmer)
> >
> >
> >     # Unstructured model using lmer and factor1 for occasion, no
> intercept
> >     specified: does not converge.
> >     unstruc.lmer <- lmer(test ~ factor1 + (factor1|person),
> >                           data=mydata, REML=TRUE)
> >     summary(unstruc.lmer)
> >
> >
> >
> >     On 21/03/2018 13:07, Maarten Jung wrote:
> >     > Dear Ben,
> >     >
> >     > I am a bit puzzled.
> >     >
> >     > Do you mean that
> >     >
> >     > m1 <- gls(value ~ factor1, data, correlation = corSymm(form = ~
> >     > 1|participant), weights = varIdent(form = ~ 1|factor))
> >     >
> >     > would be equivalent to
> >     >
> >     > m2 <- lmer(value ~ factor1 + (factor1|participant), data)
> >     >
> >     > and one should use gls() because it allows for the same covariance
> >     > structures as /REPEATED does?
> >     >
> >
> >
> >     the two specifications are not equivalent in the sense that lmer also
> >     tries to estimate residual variance. However, with the given lmer
> >     model
> >     specification, the random factor1 effects capture all variance
> >     there is
> >     and no residual variance remains.
> >
> >
> >     > And, if so, why should m2 cause an identification problem and m1
> >     doesn't?
> >     >
> >     > Regards,
> >     > Maarten
> >     >
> >     Regards, Ben.
> >
> >
> >
> >     >
> >     > On Wed, Mar 21, 2018 at 12:03 PM, Ben Pelzer <b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>
> >     > <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>> wrote:
> >     >
> >     >     Dear all,
> >     >
> >     >     As far as I know, the specification for lmer using
> >     >
> >     >          value ~ factor1 + (factor1 | participant)
> >     >
> >     >     causes an identification problem, because the residual
> >     variance is not
> >     >     excluded from the estimations. It would indeed work (e.g. in
> >     MlWin
> >     >     this
> >     >     can be done) if we could constrain that residual variance to
> >     zero.
> >     >     There
> >     >     have been some mails in this list about whether or not
> >     constraining
> >     >     residual variance to zero is possible in lmer, but I believe
> >     this
> >     >     is not
> >     >     possible. Would be nice if we could do this in lmer!
> >     >
> >     >     Best regards, Ben.
> >     >
> >     >
> >     >     On 20-3-2018 18:34, Douglas Bates wrote:
> >     >     > Kind of looks like SPSS went for bug-for-bug compatibility
> >     with
> >     >     SAS on
> >     >     > this one.  In SAS PROC MIXED, "REPEATED" and "RANDOM" are two
> >     >     ways of
> >     >     > specifying the random effects variance structure but they
> >     often boil
> >     >     > down to the same model.
> >     >     >
> >     >     > I believe the model can be specified in lme4 as
> >     >     >
> >     >     >     value ~ factor1 + (factor1 | participant)
> >     >     >
> >     >     > This is what the mis-named* "UNSTRUCTURED" covariance type
> >     means
> >     >     >
> >     >     > * Old-guy, get off my lawn rant about terminology *
> >     >     > As a recovering mathematician I find the name
> >     "unstructured" being
> >     >     > used to denote a positive-definite symmetric matrix to be,
> >     well,
> >     >     > inaccurate.
> >     >     >
> >     >     > On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 12:19 PM Mollie Brooks
> >     >     > <mollieebrooks at gmail.com <mailto:mollieebrooks at gmail.com>
> >     <mailto:mollieebrooks at gmail.com <mailto:mollieebrooks at gmail.com>>
> >     >     <mailto:mollieebrooks at gmail.com
> >     <mailto:mollieebrooks at gmail.com> <mailto:mollieebrooks at gmail.com
> >     <mailto:mollieebrooks at gmail.com>>>>
> >     >     wrote:
> >     >     >
> >     >     >     I don’t know anything about spss, but if you basically
> >     want lme4
> >     >     >     with more correlation structures, you could look at the
> >     >     structures
> >     >     >     available with glmmTMB.
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmmTMB/vignettes/covstruct.html
> >     <
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmmTMB/vignettes/covstruct.html>
> >     >
> >      <
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmmTMB/vignettes/covstruct.html
> >     <
> https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/glmmTMB/vignettes/covstruct.html>>
> >     >     >
> >     >     >     cheers,
> >     >     >     Mollie
> >     >     >
> >     >     >     > On 20Mar 2018, at 18:11, Ben Pelzer
> >     <b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>
> >     >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>
> >     >     >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>>> wrote:
> >     >     >     >
> >     >     >     > Hi Maarten,
> >     >     >     >
> >     >     >     > You are right: you need nlme and NOT lme4 to specify
> >     >     particular
> >     >     >     > correlation structures. Also, in nlme you would need
> gls
> >     >     to make it
> >     >     >     > similar to mixed in spss. The repeated command in spss
> >     >     gives the
> >     >     >     same
> >     >     >     > results as gls does for any of the covariance
> >     structures.
> >     >     >     >
> >     >     >     > Regards, Ben.
> >     >     >     >
> >     >     >     >
> >     >     >     > On 20/03/2018 17:30, Maarten Jung wrote:
> >     >     >     >> Dear Ben, dear Phillip,
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >> comparing [1] with [2] I think the /REPEATED command
> >     >     specifies
> >     >     >     >> the error (co)variance structure of the model.
> >     Would you
> >     >     agree
> >     >     >     with that?
> >     >     >     >> If so, AFAIK this is not possible with lmer and
> >     thus the
> >     >     answer on
> >     >     >     >> Stack Overflow [3] would be wrong.
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >> [1]
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >>
> >     >     >     >> [2]
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/spss/examples/alda/chapter7/applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-modeling-change-and-event-occurrenceby-judith-d-singer-and-john-b-willett-chapter-7-examining-the-multilevel-model-s-erro/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/spss/examples/alda/chapter7/applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-modeling-change-and-event-occurrenceby-judith-d-singer-and-john-b-willett-chapter-7-examining-the-multilevel-model-s-erro/
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/spss/examples/alda/chapter7/applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-modeling-change-and-event-occurrenceby-judith-d-singer-and-john-b-willett-chapter-7-examining-the-multilevel-model-s-erro/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/spss/examples/alda/chapter7/applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-modeling-change-and-event-occurrenceby-judith-d-singer-and-john-b-willett-chapter-7-examining-the-multilevel-model-s-erro/
> >>
> >     >     >     >> [3]
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >>
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >> Regards,
> >     >     >     >> Maarten
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >> On Tue, Mar 20, 2018 at 2:10 PM, Ben Pelzer
> >     >     <b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>
> >     >     >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>>
> >     >     >     >> <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl> <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>
> >     >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>>
> >     >     >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>
> >     >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>
> >     <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl <mailto:b.pelzer at maw.ru.nl>>>>>> wrote:
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>    Dear Maarten,
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>    Take a look at
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >>>
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >     <
> https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/r/examples/alda/r-applied-longitudinal-data-analysis-ch-7/
> >>>>
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>    which shows you a number of covariance
> >     structures, among
> >     >     >     which is
> >     >     >     >>    the unstructured matrix, for repeated measures in R
> >     >     with lme. It
> >     >     >     >>    refers to chapter 7 of Singer and Willett where
> they
> >     >     discuss all
> >     >     >     >>    these different structures and how to choose
> >     among them.
> >     >     >     Regards,
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>    Ben.
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>    On 20-3-2018 9:00, Maarten Jung wrote:
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>        Dear list,
> >     >     >     >>        I came across a SPSS syntax like this
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>        MIXED value BY factor1
> >     >     >     >>  /CRITERIA=CIN(95) MXITER(100) MXSTEP(10)
> >     >     SCORING(1)
> >     >     >     >> SINGULAR(0.000000000001)
> >     >     >     >>             HCONVERGE(0, ABSOLUTE) LCONVERGE(0,
> >     ABSOLUTE)
> >     >     >     >>        PCONVERGE(0.000001,
> >     >     >     >>             ABSOLUTE)
> >     >     >     >>             /FIXED=factor1 | SSTYPE(3)
> >     >     >     >>             /METHOD=REML
> >     >     >     >>  /REPEATED=factor1 | SUBJECT(participant)
> >     >     COVTYPE(UN).
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>        and struggle to find an equivalent lmer/nlme
> >     (or R in
> >     >     >     general)
> >     >     >     >>        formulation
> >     >     >     >>        for this kind of models.
> >     >     >     >>        Does anybody know how to convert the REPEATED
> >     >     subcommand
> >     >     >     into
> >     >     >     >>        R code?
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>        Please note that I asked the question on Stack
> >     >     Overflow
> >     >     >     about
> >     >     >     >>        two month ago:
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >>>
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >>
> >     >     >
> >     >
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >
> >     >
> >      <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >     <
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/48518514/what-is-the-lmer-nlme-equivalent-of-the-repeated-subcommand-in-spsss-mixed-proc
> >>>>
> >     >     >     >>
> >     >     >     >>        Best regards,
> >     >     >     >>        Maarten
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