[R-sig-ME] [R] understanding I() in lmer formula

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 18:24:51 CEST 2017

 This is all good.  vignette("lmer",package="lme4") gives all of the
technical details for lmer (glmer is a bit more complicated, and the
paper describing it is still in development ...)

On 17-06-15 12:02 PM, Emmanuel Curis wrote:
> Replies in the text. Please read about maximum likelihood methods, the
> objective function is the likelihood of the data, and write it down
> will give you what you want. In practice, it might be slightly
> different if you used restricted maximum likelihood (REML) instead of
> maximum likelihood (ML), but that does not change the interpretation
> of the different models and outputs, just the objective function.
> On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 02:49:50PM +0000, Don Cohen wrote:
> « 
> «           (    V(A)     cov( A, B ) )   ( f   g )
> «   Sigma = (                         ) = (       )
> «           ( cov( A, B )     V(B)    )   ( g   h )
> « 
> « 
> «   so the aim of lme4 (or any other software) is to find the << best >>
> «   values for all of these five parameters.
> « 
> « So when I run lmer I should be able to recover these 5 values, right?
> « How do I do that?
> All of them are in summary( lmer( formula, data = ... ) )
> For µA and µB estimtions, you can have them with fixef()
> For f, g and h, you can have them with VarCorr()
> « When you say it finds the best values, that means to me that the
> « objective function (whatever we're trying to minimize) includes 
> « something that depends on those parameters.
> « What is that function? 
> The opposite of the log likelihood, -log L, of the data, more
> precisely assuming independant data points
> L = \prod_{i=1}^n \prod_{,j=1}^{n_i} F'(Yij=y_ij|Ai=ai,Bi=bi) G'(Ai=ai, Bi=Bi)
> where F' is the density of a Gaussian of mean ai + bi * days_{i,j} and
> variance sigma (the variance of epsilon, the residual) and G' the
> joint density of a binormal Gaussian vector of expectation (µA, µB)
> and of covariance matrix Sigma = ( (f, g ), ( g, h ) ) and you
> minimize -log L. i the subject index, j the measure index within the subject.
> « I guess you have to pick some particular model in order to show its
> « objective function, and I suggest the simplest possible model, in
> « this case something like
> «  reaction ~ 1+days + (1+days|subject)
> « and similarly the || version, which I gather differs only in that
> « some g terms are left out.
> « 
> «   This is done by trying to
> «   find the values that allow to say << I obtained my data because they
> «   were the more likely to occur >>. This leads to a complex function that
> «   often reduce to least-squares, but not always, and in Gaussian
> «   mixed-effects models are not linear least-squares because of the f, g
> «   and h parameters.
> « 
> «   Traditionnally, you fix uA = uB = 0 because should they have other
> «   values, they could not be distinguished from the fixed part of the
> «   model (but you could also say that there is no distinct fixed part and
> «   that you try to find their values, it's the same).
> « 
> «   When you use (1|Day), you allow lmer to fit a model with f, g and h
> «   variable.
> « 
> «   When you use (1||Day), you constrain lmer to fit a model with g = 0
> «   and only f and h can be fitted.
> « 
> « All of this makes sense to me, but in order to really understand what's
> « going on I want to know the objective function.
> Just write it down using the hints above... Or use the formulas in
> Douglas Bates' book (or other books). They _are_ the objective
> function. By e-mail, that would be almost impossible to write them in
> a readable way.
> «   Note that with lmer, f, h (and g if allowed) are not obtained by first
> «   computing slope and intercept for all subjects, then doing usual
> «   descriptive statistics ...
> « 
> « I understand, but however the software actually works, I should be able
> « to see that the objective function is minimized by simply computing it
> « on the output and then also on various perturbations of the output.
> Once you wrote it, you can use dnorm to compute it, and use the logLik
> function to check the results.
> « That would tell me WHAT the software is doing.  I could worry later about
> « HOW it does that.
> It maximises the likelihood (L) — or, equivalently, minimises -log L —
> as a function of (µA, µB, f, g, h).
> «   Last note: do not confuse the correlation between A and B, the random
> «   effects in the population, given by g, and the correlation between the
> «   estimators of the (mean) slope [uA] and the estimator of the (mean)
> «   intercept [uB], M_A and M_B, which may be what you had in mind when
> «   saying that A and B values were correlated << before >> (it exists in
> «   usual linear regression). They correspond to different ideas:
> « 
> «   g means that there is in the population a kind of constraint
> «    between A and B ;
> « 
> «   the correlation between the _estimators_ means that any error on
> «    the estimation of the (mean) slope will lead to an error in the
> «    estimation of the (mean) intercept and it is a property of the
> «    method used to find them, not of the data/underlying world.
> « 
> « I had not even thought about the second of those.  
> « But I think that is similar to one of the outputs of summary(lmer(...))
> « where it says correlation of fixed effects.
> « 
> «   Hope this clarifies,
> « 
> « So far I don't think I've learned anything new, but I may be getting
> « close to describing to you what I'm missing.

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