[R-sig-ME] Linear mixed effects
Thierry Onkelinx
thierry.onkelinx at inbo.be
Thu Mar 23 18:40:10 CET 2017
Dear Victoria,
It does gives the difference in intercept and slope due to the occupation
of the father.
Best regards,
Op 23-mrt.-2017 18:14 schreef "Victoria Stimple" <victoriastimple op gmail.com
Hi all, I am writing to receive some help on the following issue:
I want to estimate different slopes and intercepts for the three groups.
For example: group A is subjects whose father's were blue-collar; group B
is subjects whose father's were white-collar; group C is subjects whose
father's were other types of workers. I have repeated measures for 10
annual surveys and subjects reported how much of their income they saved. I
want to see if the intercept and trajectory differs for the three groups.
This is what I come up with but I am not sure if this gets at the
appropriate verbal explanation. Thank you very much for your time. I truly
appreciate it. Thank you!
m1 <- lmer(savings~ time + (time|subjects))
m1 looks at the impact of time on savings and estimates intercepts and
slopes for each subject.
m2 <- lmer(savings~time*fathers_occupation + (time|subjects))
Does m2 examine the differences in the intercept and slope for the two
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