[R-sig-ME] Prior for a bivariate model

Grégory DANIEL daniel.gregory3 at gmail.com
Mon Feb 20 18:41:14 CET 2017

Dear list members,

I am working with MCMCglmm package on a bivariate model to estimate the 
genetic covariance between my two traits that are my response variables. 
One is binary and the other is gaussian.  I have about 700 individuals, 
one measure per trait for each individual.

The model is simple : sex as fixed effect, and animal as random effect. 
But I have been struggling for several weeks to find a proper prior for 
which the model converge concerning the "animal" variance of my binary 
variable, and to do not have a big auto-correlation between iterations 
for the same variance.

Concerning the residual variance, I have no problem, only with the prior 
for the additive genetic variance of my binary response variable. I 
think we cannot specify two priors for a same variable...

I hope I was clear enough... Does anyone could help me to find a 
solution please  ?

Thanks a lot,

Grégory DANIEL - Ph.D. in evolutionary ecology
mail : daniel.gregory3 at gmail.com

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