[R-sig-ME] Standard errors of group-wise random effect intercepts

Jacob Bukoski jbukoski1 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 18 17:34:29 CET 2015

Hi all,

I might be searching for something that doesn't exist -- but is there a way
to obtain group-specific standard errors for random effect intercept

I have hierarchical data grouped by "site," for which I've generated unique
intercept coefficients. For example:

ab      -9.574204
am     -9.149834
ay      -2.238734
br        5.073831

Is there a way to extract some sort of confidence interval on these values?
I have attempted using VarCorr(), but am having trouble getting it to
return a standard error beyond that of the standard error across *all* site
intercept estimates.

If it helps, my model is specified as:

lme1 <- lme(Biomass ~ Basal.area*Latitude - Latitude -1,
            random = ~1|Site, method="REML")

​Many kind thanks,

Jacob J. Bukoski
Master of Environmental Science Candidate, 2016
School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University
jbukoski1 at gmail.com | jacob.bukoski at yale.edu | LinkedIn

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