[R-sig-ME] clustered data with glmer() and glmmPQL()

Marsela Alvanopoulou marselalv at gmail.com
Mon Jun 15 15:06:31 CEST 2015


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a master student from
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Greece. I´m trying to model count data with
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GLMM (lme4
​ ​
package), using as discrete response variable the number of parasites per
fish and as categorical predictor variable three
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different species.
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I'm using as random effect the three different tanks I used and as fixed
the infection level
This is the model I'm running:

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​ ​
​ ​
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, data=mydata)

I noticed that the estimate of the intercept does not give the mean of the
first species, so I ran a simple glm model to get the estimate. With
summary() I got the p values that allow me to reject my hypothesis and
​ ​
to the Tukey test. Is it legal to use
TukeyHSD(aov(parasite~species, data=mydata))
​ ?
Finally I tested the assumptions
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I found violation of normality and independence.

I also tried MASS package where the assumption of independent residuals was
not violated anymore but the histogram gave me a much more skewed
distribution, but also anova() is not available for QTLs.

mod2 <- glmmPQL (parasite~species, random=~1|tank, family=poisson,

Thank you in advance for your help.


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