[R-sig-ME] Results from GLMM, error bars for predictions

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 15:34:16 CEST 2015

Quentin Schorpp <quentin.schorpp at ...> writes:

> Dear Thierry,
> There's one thing that i don't understand.
> Why do you plot the vertical line in
> ggplot(pairwise.ci <http://pairwise.ci>, aes(y = lhs, x = exp(estimate), 
> xmin = exp(lwr), xmax = exp(upr))) + geom_errorbarh() + geom_point() + 
> geom_vline(xintercept = 1)
> and how can i transfer this to other models?
> kind regards,
> Quentin

  [Sorry to remove context, gmane doesn't like it ...]

  Since the model parameters are back-transformed (i.e.
exponentiated), the null value of the parameters (no effect)
is exp(0)=1; the horizontal line is showing the null value.
Thus for example if the 95% confidence intervals cross the
dotted line, the corresponding effect is not statistically
significant at p=0.05.

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