[R-sig-ME] Choosing appropriate priors for bglmer mixed models in blme

Jarrod Hadfield j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
Tue Mar 10 08:15:36 CET 2015

Hi Josie,

Yes - I would scale your input variables and go for the t-prior in  
blme (I think the Cauchy prior is not implemented?). You might want to  
up the scale a little from that recommended in order to deal with the  
fact you may have non-zero random effects, but it might not make a big  
difference if their variance isn't too large.



Quoting Josie Galbraith <josie.galbraith at gmail.com> on Tue, 10 Mar  
2015 10:30:12 +1300:

> Hi Jarrod,
> I'm pretty sure it is a complete separation issue.  This is the xtab of
> counts for the main factors:
>                                 LESION  0    1
> Autumn            NF                 38   2
>                           F                  21   0
> Spring              NF                 27   3
>                          F                   76  11
> Lesion incidences were low generally, but particularly so in Autumn (and
> fewer replicates in Autumn).
> Thanks again,
> Josie
> On Mon, Mar 9, 2015 at 8:50 PM, Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Hi Josie,
>> Is the problem you are having because of complete separation, either
>> because you have some very good predictors of lesions and/or you have low
>> replication for some factor levels? If so blmer with Gelman's recommended
>> prior (not the diffuse prior) should do a reasonable job of allowing
>> sensible inferences to be made. However, as Ben said in an earlier post,its
>> not clear that this is the problem.
>> Similar issues are possible with the random effects, but this tends to be
>> rare because they are constrained. I only see it when the variance
>> component is very large, not zero as here.
>> If the perceived problem is zero variance estimates, I'm not sure why this
>> is a problem. If the true variances are zero you should expect a MLE of
>> zero 50% of the time. With only 8 levels of the random effect, you should
>> expect an MLE of zero often, even if the true variance is moderate. The
>> same power issues will generate MLE correlations of -1 and 1.
>> Cheers,
>> Jarrod
>> Quoting Josie Galbraith <josie.galbraith at gmail.com> on Mon, 9 Mar 2015
>> 13:08:59 +1300:
>>  Thanks very much Jarrod & Vince for your inputs.
>>> Admittedly this analysis is stretching my level of understanding!
>>> From a practical point of view, given that time is of the essence in
>>> writing up my PhD, if I only want to test the main effects of my model
>>> (rather than make predictions etc), is this something I can achieve in
>>> blme? (ie testing model terms using LRTs).  If so should I be using blme
>>> for this?
>>> Or should I really be working in MCMCglmm (which I haven't used before -
>>> another learning curve!)?  Any further thoughts on using normal priors
>>> rather than Cauchy?
>>> Thanks again,
>>> Josie
>>>  Message: 2
>>>> Hi Vince,
>>>> For a given difference on the logit scale between (lets say) two
>>>> treatment groups then the difference on the observed scale depends on
>>>> the magnitude of the variance components. For logit effects beta1 and
>>>> beta2, the expected difference is approximately:
>>>> plogis(beta1/sqrt(1+c2*v))-plogis(beta2/sqrt(1+c2*v))
>>>> where v is the variance component and c2 = (16*sqrt(3)/(15*pi))^2.
>>>> If a prior (Cauchy or otherwise) was set up that was invariant to v
>>>> then it would imply different prior beliefs about the magnitude of the
>>>> difference (on the observed scale) depending on v. For the normal
>>>> prior it would imply that when v is large we should expect smaller
>>>> differences between treatment groups. This maybe OK (I'm not sure) but
>>>> if not is there a way to make it invariant for the t/Cauchy prior? For
>>>> the normal you can make the scale = sqrt(v+pi^2/3) which seems to work
>>>> OKish.
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jarrod
>>>> Quoting Vincent Dorie <vjd4 at nyu.edu> on Sat, 7 Mar 2015 09:47:40 -0500:
>>>> > Just to follow up on Gelman's Cauchy prior, it seems to work quite
>>>> > well even in glmms. I don't have any theoretical results as of yet,
>>>> > but if you look at the sampling distribution of the fixed effects
>>>> > for any model, they cluster rather nicely. You get "sane" estimates
>>>> > for when no kind of separation is involved, infinite (or convergence
>>>> > failures) for complete/quasi complete separation, and a third group
>>>> > exists with large estimates for when a group contains all 0s or 1s.
>>>> > In the third case, a random effect can perfectly predict for that
>>>> > group, but because they're integrated out the likelihood remains
>>>> > well defined. You'll just get really large estimates of random
>>>> > effects, which then go with large estimates of fixed effects.
>>>> >
>>>> > So long as you believe that some effect magnitudes for logistic
>>>> > regression pretty much never happen in nature, the Cauchy prior does
>>>> > a good job of pulling the extreme cases back down to earth while
>>>> > leaving the well-estimated ones roughly in place. That being said,
>>>> > using the priors in blme to patch up a data set is really only
>>>> > advised for checking the viability of a model (usually one among
>>>> > many, rapidly fit). After that, using something like MCMCglmm for a
>>>> > fully Bayesian analysis is the way to go.
>>>> >
>>>> > Vince
>>>> >
>>>> >> On Mar 7, 2015, at 3:09 AM, Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Hi Josie,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Regarding the priors on the fixed effects, if complete separation
>>>> >> is the issue having a diffuse prior is not going to help. Gelman
>>>> >> (2008) gives some recommendations about priors for logistic
>>>> >> regression. Although a Cauchy-prior was considered better than a
>>>> >> t-prior, the latter can be used in blmer and should alleviate
>>>> >> complete separation issues. I tend to use a normal-prior after
>>>> >> performing Gelman's rescaling, but this is mainly because MCMCglmm
>>>> >> only handles normal priors for the fixed effects (this may not be
>>>> >> true). In a hierarchical model I'm not sure Gelman's advice holds:
>>>> >> at least with a normal-prior it makes sense to increase the prior
>>>> >> variance as the random-effect variances increase. If the prior
>>>> >> variance is approximately v+pi^2/3, where v is the sum of the
>>>> >> variance components, then the effects on the probability scale are
>>>> >> quite close to being uniform on the 0,1 interval.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> You can use the gelman.prior function to obtain the prior
>>>> >> covariance matrix for your model. However, note that in the help
>>>> >> file I say that the scale argument takes the standard deviation. In
>>>> >> fact it takes the variance, but in the next version of MCMCglmm
>>>> >> (coming soon) I have fixed this and it will take the standard
>>>> >> deviation.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Cheers,
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Jarrod
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Gelman, A. et al. (2008) The Annals of Appled Statistics 2 4 1360-1383
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Quoting Josie Galbraith <josie.galbraith at gmail.com> on Sat, 7 Mar
>>>> >> 2015 12:15:41 +1300:
>>>> >>
>>>> >>> Thanks Ben,
>>>> >>> I didn't have problems with singular estimates of variance components
>>>> with
>>>> >>> this data set.  However, I have a few other pathogens/parasites that
>>>> I'm
>>>> >>> looking at (I'm running separate models for each), and after looking
>>>> at all
>>>> >>> of them some do have zero variances for the random effect, either in
>>>> >>> addition to large parameter estimates or alongside reasonable
>>>> parameter
>>>> >>> estimates.
>>>> >>> Should I be also be imposing a covariance prior in either of these
>>>> cases?
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> As a related aside, my data are collected from individual birds -
>>>> captured
>>>> >>> over 4 sampling rounds (6 months apart).  While the majority of
>>>> >>> observations are independent, there is a small proportion of birds
>>>> that
>>>> >>> were recaptured in a subsequent sampling round (between 2?15% of
>>>> >>> observations, depending on which response variable).  I have modelled
>>>> my
>>>> >>> data both both with and without bird ID as a random effect.
>>>> Including
>>>> it
>>>> >>> seems to cause more problems with zero variances.  Is this because
>>>> too
>>>> few
>>>> >>> of the birds have actually been resampled?
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> Cheers,
>>>> >>> Josie
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>> Josie Galbraith <josie.galbraith at ...> writes:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> [snip]
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > I'm after some advice on how to choose which priors to use.  I
>>>> gather I
>>>> >>>> > need to impose a weak prior on the fixed effects of my model but
>>>> no
>>>> >>>> > covariance priors - is this correct?  Can I use a default prior
>>>> (i.e. t,
>>>> >>>> or
>>>> >>>> > normal defaults in the blme package) or does it depend on my data?
>>>> What
>>>> >>>> is
>>>> >>>> > considered a suitably weak prior?
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>   If all you're trying to do is deal with complete separation (and
>>>> not,
>>>> >>>> e.g. singular estimates of variance components [typically indicated
>>>> >>>> by zero variances or +/- 1 correlations, although I'm not sure those
>>>> >>>> are necessary conditions for singularity]), then it should be OK
>>>> >>>> to put the prior only on the fixed effects.  Generally speaking a
>>>> >>>> weak prior is one with a standard deviation that is large relative
>>>> >>>> to the expected scale of the effect (e.g. we might say sigma=10 is
>>>> >>>> large, but it won't be if the units of measurement are very small
>>>> >>>> so that a typical value of the mean is 100,000 ...)
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> > I am running binomial models for epidemiology data (response
>>>> variable is
>>>> >>>> > presence/absence of lesions), with 2 fixed effects (FOOD: F/NF;
>>>> SEASON:
>>>> >>>> > Autumn/Spring) and a random effect (SITE: 8 levels).  The main
>>>> goal
>>>> of
>>>> >>>> > these models is to test for an effect of the treatment 'FOOD.'
>>>> I'm
>>>> >>>> > guessing from what I've read, that my model should be something
>>>> like the
>>>> >>>> > following:
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> This seems fairly reasonable at first glance.  Where were you seeing
>>>> >>>> the complete separation, though?   I would normally expect to
>>>> >>>> see at least one of the parameters still being reasonably large
>>>> >>>> if that's the case.
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> > bglmer (LESION ~ FOOD*SEASON +(1|SITE), data = SEYE.df, family =
>>>> >>>> binomial,
>>>> >>>> > fixef.prior = normal, cov.prior = NULL)
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > This is the output when I run the model:
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > Fixef prior: normal(sd = c(10, 2.5, ...), corr = c(0 ...),
>>>> >>>> common.scale =
>>>> >>>> > FALSE)
>>>> >>>> > Prior dev  : 18.2419
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
>>>> >>>> > Approximation) [
>>>> >>>> > bglmerMod]
>>>> >>>> >  Family: binomial ( logit )
>>>> >>>> > Formula: LESION ~ FOOD * SEASON + (1 | SITE)
>>>> >>>> >    Data: SEYE.df
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> [snip]
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> > Random effects:
>>>> >>>> >  Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev.
>>>> >>>> >  SITE   (Intercept) 0.3064   0.5535
>>>> >>>> > Number of obs: 178, groups: SITE, 8
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>> > Fixed effects:
>>>> >>>> >                     Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
>>>> >>>> > (Intercept)          -3.7664     1.4551  -2.588  0.00964 **
>>>> >>>> > FOODNF                0.5462     1.6838   0.324  0.74567
>>>> >>>> > SEASONSpring          1.7529     1.4721   1.191  0.23378
>>>> >>>> > FOODNF:SEASONSpring  -0.8151     1.7855  -0.456  0.64803
>>>> >>>> > ---
>>>> >>>> > Signif. codes:  0 ?***? 0.001 ?**? 0.01 ?*? 0.05 ?.? 0.1 ? ? 1
>>>> >>>> >
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> [snip]
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>> ------------------------------
>>>> >>>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> --
>>>> >>> *Josie Galbraith* MSc (hons)
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>> PhD candidate
>>>> >>> *University of Auckland *
>>>> >>> Joint Graduate School in Biodiversity and Biosecurity ? School of
>>>> >>> Biological Sciences ? Tamaki Campus ? Private Bag 92019 ? Auckland
>>>> 1142* ?
>>>> >>> P:* 09-373 7599 ext. 83132* ? E:* josie.galbraith at gmail.com* ? W: *
>>>> UoA Web
>>>> >>> Profile <https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/jgal026> and
>>>> >>> *www.birdfeedingnz.weebly.com/* <http://birdfeedingnz.weebly.com/>
>>>> >>>
>>>> >>>     [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
>>>> >>>
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>>>> >> --
>>>> >> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>>>> >> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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>>>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
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>>>> ------------------------------
>>>> End of R-sig-mixed-models Digest, Vol 99, Issue 11
>>>> **************************************************
>>> --
>>> *Josie Galbraith* MSc (hons)
>>> PhD candidate
>>> *University of Auckland *
>>> Joint Graduate School in Biodiversity and Biosecurity ● School of
>>> Biological Sciences ● Tamaki Campus ● Private Bag 92019 ● Auckland 1142* ●
>>> P:* 09-373 7599 ext. 83132* ● E:* josie.galbraith at gmail.com* ● W: * UoA
>>> Web
>>> Profile <https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/jgal026> and
>>> *www.birdfeedingnz.weebly.com/* <http://birdfeedingnz.weebly.com/>
>> --
>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
>> Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
> --
> *Josie Galbraith* MSc (hons)
> PhD candidate
> *University of Auckland *
> Joint Graduate School in Biodiversity and Biosecurity ● School of
> Biological Sciences ● Tamaki Campus ● Private Bag 92019 ● Auckland 1142* ●
> P:* 09-373 7599 ext. 83132* ● E:* josie.galbraith at gmail.com* ● W: * UoA Web
> Profile <https://unidirectory.auckland.ac.nz/profile/jgal026> and
> *www.birdfeedingnz.weebly.com/* <http://birdfeedingnz.weebly.com/>

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.

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