[R-sig-ME] binary response, random factor

Boris Fuchs boris.fuchs at schultraining.ch
Fri Mar 6 10:07:45 CET 2015


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  Can you please send this to r-sig-mixed-models at r-project.org ?


  I think the answer would be of general interest.


  I do have one paper (Pasch et al Am Nat 2013 in which we initially
considered using a mixed model but decided not to in the end -- you could
cite that in support ...


On 15-03-05 11:05 AM, Boris Fuchs wrote:

> Hi Ben




> Thirst: thanks for all the answers you share in the net.




> Guess you are busy. I try to be short.




> I try to publish my master thesis:




> I have a data set of 106 Scandinavian wolves. A binary response 

> whether they are tested positive or negative for a parasite (Sarcoptic 

> mange). I test if individual variables (sex, age…) or environmental 

> variables (fox density, latitude…) are better explaining the test 

> results (positive or negative).




> I use glm’s, selected by AICc in R.






> 16 are positive.




> I am aware of potential overfitting problems (max K = n/10 or better 

> 20…)




> About 40 individuals got sampled >1 up to 4 times. –> random factor




> Some territories are sampled multiple times. à random factor




> However:


> I did not succeed with building random structures and I belief because 

> of missing variability within the random factors. Most of the 

> individuals are tested only once. Easier if most of them would be 

> tested several times and would be both, positive and negative.

> The same with the territories. Is this right?




> I would like to state the lacking variation as a reason to not use a 

> random structure. But I need some published support (not to say it 

> works anyway, but not). I seem not skilled enough to understand

> (select) the key literature. Do you have any hint?






> Since most of the individuals are sampled once and the time between 

> the sampling is by far enough to change from positive to negative and 

> vica versa I think I can take the risk of violation of independence.








> Boris








> boris fuchs ole evenstadsvei 1156 2480 koppang +47 41 51 49 30 

> boris.fuchs at schultraining.ch







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boris fuchs
ole evenstadsvei 1156
2480 koppang
+47 41 51 49 30
boris.fuchs at schultraining.ch


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