[R-sig-ME] Ordinal categorical variable as a random effect in MCMCglmm
Jarrod Hadfield
j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk
Mon Nov 3 20:49:27 CET 2014
Dear Manabu,
I suggest
prior<-list(R=list(V=1, nu=0.002), G=list(G1=list(V=1, nu=1, alpha.mu
= 0, alpha.V = 25^2)))
m1<-MCMCglmm(counts~Quality, random=~Taxon, ginverse=list(Taxon=Ainv),
family="poisson", prior=prior, ....)
as a first stab. MCMCglmm can't handle ordered predictors, so you
could try just fitting Quality as a standard factor, or fitting it as
Quoting Manabu Sakamoto <manabu.sakamoto at gmail.com> on Mon, 3 Nov 2014
14:35:40 +0000:
> Dear Jarrod,
> Thanks for your response. Quality is a ranking in the
> completeness/missingness of the data; a higher quality data point is scored
> higher. This is an attempt to control for potential missing information
> from the response variable. The response is a count (hence the family being
> Poisson), and the idea is that for each taxon on a phylogeny, there is a
> count variable, but that count could potentially be under-estimated based
> on the Quality of the data associated with each taxon. But in reality, this
> potential under-estimation is unknown and unmeasurable so Quality is just
> one attempt to control for this somewhat-known uncertainty.
> many thanks,
> Manabu
> On 3 November 2014 14:22, Jarrod Hadfield <j.hadfield at ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Dear Manabu,
>> Could you explain what Quality is? If it is ordered it is hard to see why
>> you would be fitting it as random effect? Is this really your response
>> variable?
>> Cheers,
>> Jarrod
>> Quoting Manabu Sakamoto <manabu.sakamoto at gmail.com> on Wed, 29 Oct 2014
>> 11:16:48 +0000:
>> Dear list,
>>> I'm using MCMCglmm with some random effects, including a phylogeny and a
>>> categorical variable, scored along an ordinal scale, e.g., 1 < 2 < 3 <...
>>> If my phylogenetic tip names are stored as a character string Taxon (and
>>> there is an associated inverse A object), and my quality codes are stored
>>> as an ordered factor variable Quality, then my questions are:
>>> 1) Can I specify the random effect formula simply as: random= ~ Taxon +
>>> Quality --- i.e., without functions like us() or idh() around Quality?
>>> 2) What sort of prior should I assign for Quality? --- For the moment I am
>>> using:
>>> list(V=1, nu=1, alpha.mu = 0, alpha.V = 25^2)
>>> I'd appreciate any advise.
>>> Kind regards.
>>> Manabu
>>> --
>>> Manabu Sakamoto, PhD
>>> manabu.sakamoto at gmail.com
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>> The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
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> --
> Manabu Sakamoto, PhD
> manabu.sakamoto at gmail.com
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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