[R-sig-ME] parallel option of the bootMer function: warnings for parallel=no, but not for parallel=snow

Henrik Singmann henrik.singmann at psychologie.uni-freiburg.de
Mon Oct 27 15:23:48 CET 2014

Hi Maitta,

Can you send a minimal reproducible example (http://stackoverflow.com/q/5963269/289572) showing this?

This would at least help me to see if I can reproduce this behavior.


Am 27.10.2014 um 14:20 schrieb Spronken, M. (Maitta):
> Dear all,
> Last week I asked two questions about the parallel option of the bootMer function. As I explained in my first post, when bootstrapping my model, I got warnings when using parallel="no", but not when using parallel="snow". Ben Bolker suggested that some of the internal structures of lme4 might be getting reset properly when using refit() with parallel="snow", but not with parallel="no".
> As I explained in my second post, whether I get warnings when using parallel="no" also seems to depend on the set.seed() value chosen and whether I run my code on a Mac/Windows pc. I asked whether someone knows what this indicates, but maybe I should ask my question more specifically:
> Do you have an idea whether different set.seed() values and using Mac vs. Windows leads to differences in the occurrence of warnings because parallel="no" might not reset some internal structures properly, or could these differences also indicate that there is something 'wrong' with my data/model?
> Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
> Best,
> Maitta

Dr. Henrik Singmann
Universität Zürich, Schweiz

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