[R-sig-ME] "bootstrap runs failed" in bootMer within confint.merMod

Paul Johnson paul.johnson at glasgow.ac.uk
Thu Aug 14 15:15:55 CEST 2014


I’ve been using confint.merMod to get 95% CIs by parametric bootstrapping, and have been getting the warnings of the type "In bootMer(object, bootFun, nsim = nsim, ...) : some bootstrap runs failed (30/100)”. (I realise than 100 samples are too few - this is just an example). The function still returns CIs using the bootstrap samples that didn’t fail, but I don’t think these CIs are valid as the failures are very unlikely to be a random sample. Here’s an example using the grouseticks data set that comes with lme4 (see ?grouseticks). I chose this data set because it’s a classic example data set so presumably isn’t pathological, but I’ve been encountering the same problem with other apparently healthy glmer fits.

> library(lme4)
> full_mod1  <- glmer(TICKS ~ YEAR+scale(HEIGHT)+(1|BROOD)+(1|INDEX)+(1|LOCATION), family="poisson", data=grouseticks)
> set.seed(12345)
> confint(full_mod1, method = "boot", boot.type = "basic", nsim = 100, parallel = "multicore", ncpus = 8)
Computing bootstrap confidence intervals ...
                                2.5 %     97.5 %
sd_(Intercept)|INDEX     0.4624700492  0.6550336
sd_(Intercept)|BROOD     0.5740796527  1.0482547
sd_(Intercept)|LOCATION  0.2497343230  1.0574176
(Intercept)             -0.0002611865  0.7208569
YEAR96                   0.7770837606  1.5857202
YEAR97                  -1.4648325648 -0.4484355
scale(HEIGHT)           -1.1335522182 -0.5879858
Warning message:
In bootMer(object, bootFun, nsim = nsim, ...) :
  some bootstrap runs failed (30/100)

(NB I scaled height to prevent a warning but it makes no difference to the likelihood.)

I tried to replicate the problem using bootMer directly to produce fixed effect estimates from 10 samples:

> bootMer(full_mod1, fixef, nsim = 10)$t
      (Intercept)    YEAR96     YEAR97 scale(HEIGHT)
 [1,]   0.6387534 0.7467317 -1.1291369    -0.8741711
 [2,]          NA        NA         NA            NA
 [3,]   0.1920928 1.3666922 -0.5821328    -0.6742498
 [4,]          NA        NA         NA            NA
 [5,]          NA        NA         NA            NA
 [6,]   0.5312426 0.9639612 -1.1041643    -0.7550492
 [7,]          NA        NA         NA            NA
 [8,]   0.2328530 1.1016917 -0.8010541    -0.8480263
 [9,]   0.2685594 1.2806690 -0.7452719    -0.8302675
[10,]   0.1726928 1.1423894 -0.8989542    -1.0344128
Warning message:
In bootMer(full_mod1, fixef, nsim = 10) : some bootstrap runs failed (4/10)

…and get the same problem, not surprisingly. Here’s a manual version of what (I believe) bootMer is doing:

> simTICKS.tab <- simulate(full_mod1, nsim=10)
> t(apply(simTICKS.tab, 2, function(simTICKS) fixef(glmer(simTICKS ~ YEAR+scale(HEIGHT)+(1|BROOD)+(1|INDEX)+(1|LOCATION), family="poisson", data=grouseticks))))
       (Intercept)    YEAR96     YEAR97 scale(HEIGHT)
sim_1    0.1793276 1.2265976 -0.5753168    -0.6435871
sim_2    0.3918824 1.4583529 -0.8958396    -0.8513233
sim_3    0.2565916 1.1230342 -0.9369728    -1.0817019
sim_4    0.3507285 1.1865904 -1.0654895    -0.9193403
sim_5    0.5688213 0.7291811 -0.9734654    -0.8575988
sim_6    0.6160919 1.0552260 -1.5139770    -1.0050926
sim_7    0.1594954 1.1342809 -1.0624134    -0.8107930
sim_8    0.7956874 0.8290606 -1.2491060    -1.0024299
sim_9    0.3081545 1.2677562 -1.0398100    -0.9458849
sim_10   0.4325345 0.9390844 -0.9241206    -0.7341589

…no errors, not even a warning. The discrepancy between bootMer and the DIY version above appears to arise from the bootMer fitting function, refit, being less tolerant of warning signs (non-convergence?) than glmer, which can be seen by putting refit into the DIY bootstrap:

> t(apply(simTICKS.tab, 2, function(simTICKS) fixef(refit(full_mod1, simTICKS))))
Warning messages:
1: In pwrssUpdate(pp, resp, tolPwrss, GQmat, compDev, fac, verbose) :
  Cholmod warning 'not positive definite' at file:../Cholesky/t_cholmod_rowfac.c, line 431
2: In pwrssUpdate(pp, resp, tolPwrss, GQmat, compDev, fac, verbose) :
  Cholmod warning 'not positive definite' at file:../Cholesky/t_cholmod_rowfac.c, line 431
Error in t(apply(simTICKS.tab, 2, function(simTICKS) fixef(refit(full_mod1,  : 
  error in evaluating the argument 'x' in selecting a method for function 't': Error in t(apply(simTICKS.tab, 2, function(simTICKS) fixef(refit(full_mod1,  : 
  (maxstephalfit) PIRLS step-halvings failed to reduce deviance in pwrssUpdate

My questions are: 

Should I trust the error- and warning-free DIY bootstrap results? I would say “yes”, on the (slightly vague) basis that glmer produced no warnings, and that the original model fits well to what is a pretty information-rich data set. So is bootMer being oversensitive? I’m aware that there have been some teething problems with the optimisers and convergence checks in lme4 1.0+ — are these ongoing? I’m writing a tutorial document in which I’d like to demonstrate parametric bootstrapping for CIs. I could use the DIY approach, but I’d much rather use confint, so it would be great if there was a simple fix to this problem.

Thanks in advance,
Paul Johnson 
(the Glasgow one, not the Kansas or Oxford ones)

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin13.1.0 (64-bit)

[1] en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8/C/en_GB.UTF-8/en_GB.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] parallel  stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] lme4_1.1-7   Rcpp_0.11.2  Matrix_1.1-4

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] boot_1.3-11     grid_3.1.1      lattice_0.20-29 MASS_7.3-33     minqa_1.2.3     nlme_3.1-117    nloptr_1.0.0    splines_3.1.1   tools_3.1.1    

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