[R-sig-ME] Install flexlambda- and master-lme4 from Github

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 06:14:07 CEST 2014

Christian Brauner <christianvanbrauner at ...> writes:

> Hello,
> is it possible to install the flexlambda and master branch of lme4 at the
> same time:
> library(devtools)
> install_github("lme4", "lme4")
> install_github("lme4", "flexlambda")
> such that I can load them as different packages.
> (Obviously not both at the
> same time but for example in two different sessions; using "lme4" in one
> and "flexlambda" in the other)?

  devtools::dev_mode() might be useful (I haven't used it),
or install the packages to different libraries and specify
`lib.loc` when loading ... or clone the package to your system
and hack the DESCRIPTION file to create two different packages
with different names ...

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