[R-sig-ME] glmer syntax for model with "common" random effects

ONKELINX, Thierry Thierry.ONKELINX at inbo.be
Mon May 12 17:41:28 CEST 2014

Dear John Doe,

I think you want something like this (if I understand you question correctly).

PGD_21.df$Norm_Inter <- interaction(PGD_21.df$NormXY, PGD_21.df$Norm_21)
model <- glmer(Sex ~ 1 + Norm_XY + Norm_21 + (1|Pat_ID) + (1|PatID: Proc_ID) + (1|Pat_ID:Norm_Inter) + (1|PatID: Proc_ID:Norm_Inter), data =  PGD_21.df,family = binomial)

However that would yield uncorrelated 'common slopes'

Having correlated random slopes would require something like the code below + a mechanism to set a variance structure. That last part is not available in lme4. It is in nlme, but then you are restricted to the Gaussian distribution.

model <- glmer(Sex ~ 1 + Norm_XY + Norm_21 + (1 + Norm_Inter |Pat_ID) + (1 + Norm_Inter |PatID: Proc_ID), data =  PGD_21.df,family = binomial)

Best regards,


ir. Thierry Onkelinx
Instituut voor natuur- en bosonderzoek / Research Institute for Nature and Forest
team Biometrie & Kwaliteitszorg / team Biometrics & Quality Assurance
Kliniekstraat 25
1070 Anderlecht
+ 32 2 525 02 51
+ 32 54 43 61 85
Thierry.Onkelinx op inbo.be

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~ Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher

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~ Roger Brinner

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-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: r-sig-mixed-models-bounces op r-project.org [mailto:r-sig-mixed-models-bounces op r-project.org] Namens orzack op freshpond.org
Verzonden: maandag 12 mei 2014 16:11
Aan: r-sig-mixed-models op r-project.org
CC: orzack op freshpond.org
Onderwerp: [R-sig-ME] glmer syntax for model with "common" random effects

 I have a quick question about syntax for a glmer call.

I am fitting models with categorial predictors (Norm_XY and Norm_21)


model <- glmer(Sex ~ 1 + Norm_XY + Norm_21 + (Norm_XY|Pat_ID/Proc_ID)  + (Norm_21|Pat_ID/Proc_ID), data =  PGD_21.df,family = binomial)

this will fit random effects for the intercept and "slope" associated with each predictor

Random effects:
 Groups           Name        Variance  Std.Dev. Corr
 Proc_ID.Pat_ID   (Intercept) 0.0371635 0.19278
                  Norm_21NN   0.0073152 0.08553  -1.00
 Proc_ID.Pat_ID.1 (Intercept) 0.0007932 0.02816
                  Norm_XYNN   0.0390357 0.19757  -0.89
 Pat_ID           (Intercept) 0.0055269 0.07434
                  Norm_21NN   0.0129897 0.11397  0.99
 Pat_ID.1         (Intercept) 0.0781525 0.27956
                  Norm_XYNN   0.0579198 0.24067  -1.00

What I can't figure (and have failed to find an example of) is the syntax for "common" estimates of the random effects (i.e., for both categorical predictors).

The following syntax will generate a common estimate of the random effects for the intercept

model <- glmer(Sex ~ 1 + Norm_XY + Norm_21 + ((Norm_XY + Norm_21)|Pat_ID/Proc_ID), data =  PGD_21.df,family = binomial))

the estimates are

Random effects:
 Groups         Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
 Proc_ID:Pat_ID (Intercept) 0.010129 0.10064
                Norm_XYNN   0.035686 0.18891   0.99
                Norm_21NN   0.009532 0.09763  -0.99 -1.00
 Pat_ID         (Intercept) 0.101927 0.31926
                Norm_XYNN   0.070295 0.26513  -0.98
                Norm_21NN   0.019164 0.13843   0.11  0.08

So how does one specify a model that estimates the random effects for the "common" or joint categorical predictor of the "slope"  (i.e. for Norm_XY and Norm_21 combined)?

This model would produce estimates like this

Random effects:
 Groups         Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr
 Proc_ID:Pat_ID (Intercept) XXX
                           Common "slope" ZZZ     QQQ
 Pat_ID               (Intercept) YYY
                           Common "slope" WWW  RRR

In these applications, the random effects are nuisance parameters, so I don't necessarily need predictor-specific estimates. That said, I do want to account for the random effects and their influence on the estimates of the fixed effects (otherwise I would just use GLM)

The first model above penalizes AIC by 24 (just considering random effects) and the last model would penalize it by 12. this is a big difference.


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