[R-sig-ME] BOBYQA warning message

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Sun May 4 17:04:03 CEST 2014

On 14-05-03 04:18 PM, Devin Kearns wrote:
> Hello List:
> I am getting the following warning message when running a model with BOBYQA
> optimization. I am not sure how to interpret it:
> Warning message:
> In commonArgs(par, fn, control, environment()) :
>   maxfun < 10 * length(par)^2 is not recommended.

  You have 32 parameters (20 fixed and 12 random-effects
variance-covariance parameters), unless I miscounted.  That means that
BOBYQA recommends that the maximum number of function evaluations should
be at least 10*32^2 = 10240.  It's a bit hard to dig out the default
value of maxfun, but it's 10000 (so you only missed by a little bit).
Arguably lme4 should make this adjustment automatically; someone could
add an issue at https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues if they wanted.
Bottom line:

  * you can use control=glmerControl(optCtrl=list(maxfun=1e5)) to adjust
the maximum number of function evaluations.
  * if @optinfo$feval will tell you how many function evaluations were
actually used.

>> summary(model)
> Generalized linear mixed model fit by maximum likelihood (Laplace
> Approximation) ['glmerMod']
> Family: binomial ( logit )
> Formula: wr ~ 1 + a + b + c + d*e + f*e + g*e + h*e + i +  
>     i*k + k*e + l*e + m + (1+f+i|w) + (-1+d|w) + (1+m|x) + (1|y) + (1| z)
>    Data: m
> Control: glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")
>      AIC      BIC   logLik deviance df.resid 
>   6198.5   6426.2  -3067.3   6134.5     9058 
> Scaled residuals: 
>      Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max 
> -10.7164  -0.2638   0.1284   0.3356  10.3950 
> Random effects:
> Groups Name        Variance Std.Dev. Corr       
>      (Intercept)    0.189556 0.43538             
>  x      m           0.087545 0.29588  0.24       
>  w      d           0.385553 0.62093             
>  w.1    (Intercept) 1.673762 1.29374             
>         f           0.045596 0.21353  -0.39      
>         i           0.036892 0.19207  -0.55 -0.36
> y      (Intercept) 0.005768 0.07595             
>  z      (Intercept) 0.000000 0.00000             
> Number of obs: 9090, groups: x, 202; w, 45; y, 23; z, 6
> Fixed effects:
>                       Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
> (Intercept)            1.72456    0.21281   8.104 5.32e-16 ***
> a                      0.29682    0.06380   4.652 3.28e-06 ***
> b                     -0.06976    0.17471  -0.399 0.689698    
> c                      0.12498    0.09981   1.252 0.210496    
> d                      1.00641    0.13625   7.387 1.51e-13 ***
> e                      1.28465    0.20023   6.416 1.40e-10 ***
> f                      0.17962    0.08665   2.073 0.038175 *  
> g                      1.30007    0.08096  16.057  < 2e-16 ***
> h                      0.16457    0.07051   2.334 0.019601 *  
> i                      0.01631    0.07326   0.223 0.823805    
> k                      0.76396    0.21435   3.564 0.000365 ***
> l                     -0.35635    0.19711  -1.808 0.070633 .  
> m                      0.30247    0.22093   1.369 0.170979    
> d:e                    0.08819    0.13846   0.637 0.524198    
> e:f                   -0.01060    0.06633  -0.160 0.873059    
> e:g                    0.04057    0.05732   0.708 0.479095    
> e:h                    0.02144    0.05099   0.421 0.674085    
> i:k                    0.14288    0.05095   2.804 0.005045 ** 
> e:k                   -0.31092    0.19069  -1.630 0.103000    
> e:l                   -0.28359    0.22508  -1.260 0.207682    
> If it is not clear above, "w" and "x" are perfectly crossed effects (there
> are no missing values). In multilevel language, "x" is nested within "y"
> which is nested within "z".
> "a" is continuous and varies across "x".
> "b" is binary and varies across "x". 
> "c" and "d" are binary and vary across "w" and "x".
> "e", "k", "l", and "m" are continuous and vary across "w".
> "f", "g", "h", "i", and "I" are continuous and vary across "x". 
> To explain the random intercepts and slopes, these were derived from a model
> building procedure that involved the addition of a random slope for each
> fixed effect and testing whether the model without the random slope fit
> worse than that with it (the idea was to follow the "forward selection"
> approach Bates described here:
> https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-mixed-models/2010q2/003921.html).
> Correlations were added in the same way. The "maximal" strategy is ideal,
> but the model with all possible random slopes and correlations did not
> converge, nor did a "near maximal" model. Barr, Levy, Scheepers, and Tily
> (2013) suggested that this approach controls Type I error almost as well as
> the maximal strategy, which is why it was used here. 
> It is not clear to me what this warning means or why it occurred. Here were
> my initial thoughts: 
> "z" has almost no variability (and it is a random effect with only six
> levels). I was included because the unconditional model without fit worse
> than that with it (the p value for the likelihood ratio test was .07, which
> is significant for these). I am therefore reluctant to remove this term,
> although I suspected the error might relate to the lack of information
> related to z. 
> I also wondered whether the number of "w" covariates was too large given
> that I have only 45 "w" cases. I have seen papers where authors have
> included more covariates with fewer numbers (I've seen as many as 8
> covariates for a random effect with only 39 levels). In logistic regression,
> there is the 10:1 rule of thumb for observations to covariates, but there do
> not seem to be any such rules of thumb for these models. It is my
> understanding that lme4 includes some tests for overfitting, but this seems
> to be under development: https://github.com/lme4/lme4/issues/7). So, I
> considered the possibility of overfitting (although the standard errors do
> not raise concerns). 
> Of course, "warnings" are not "errors" and it is possible that nothing is
> wrong. However, I am reluctant to believe that!
> Would anyone be able to explain this warning? Is there something I could do
> differently? 
> Thank you for your time. I am very appreciative of the list's help.
> Devin.
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