[R-sig-ME] Profile likelihood using R2admb

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Thu Apr 24 13:39:24 CEST 2014

On 14-04-24 06:01 AM, Stirrup, Oliver wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am currently experimenting with various mixed model structures
> using the R2admb package. Everything is working smoothly, except that
> I have been unable to make use of the functionality relating to
> likelihood profiles.
> If I attempt to run 'do_admb' with the argument 'profile=TRUE', I
> receive the error message 'must specify profpars when
> checkparam=='write' and profile is TRUE'. However, if I then try to
> also specify the parameters to include, for example adding the
> argument 'profpars=c("rho")', I receive the error message 'unused
> argument (profpars=c("rho"))'.
> I am using R version 3.1.0 and R2admb version 0.7.10, and I have
> noticed that the R2admb manual states that the profile option for
> do_admb is 'untested!'. Has anyone else encountered this problem? If
> so, is there any way around it?

  I (the package maintainer) haven't tried this myself in a while, and
when I did I found it didn't work!  I imagine this is a fairly minor
glitch and will try to fix it soon:
https://github.com/bbolker/R2admb/issues/13 -- you may end up having to
install the github version (via devtools::install_github()) once I have
it fixed

  Ben Bolker

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