[R-sig-ME] gee, geese and glmer
Vincent Dorie
vjd4 at nyu.edu
Tue Mar 18 16:47:57 CET 2014
>> blme::bglmer(case~sex+PC1+PC2+PC3+PC4+(1|famid),family=binomial,data=test.da
>> t,fixef.prior=t)
>> Error in get("checkConv", lme4Env)(attr(opt, "derivs"), opt$par, ctrl =
>> control$checkConv, :
>> unused argument (ctrl = control$checkConv)
I believe this can only happen if the installed version of lme4 is out-of-date. If there was a point where checkConv was added but didn't yet have the ctrl formal, you would see that error.
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