[R-sig-ME] Combining two sets of subplots obtained with different protocols

Diaci, Jurij Jurij.Diaci at bf.uni-lj.si
Sun Feb 2 18:33:10 CET 2014

Dear all,
we study oak natural regeneration in black pine plantations. Since oak seedlings are rare, we made two sets of smaller subplots (1,5 x 1,5 m) within each larger stand plot (20 x 20 m). One set was with subplots cantered at oak seedling (Oak subplot), while the second one was located independently of tree seedlings (Herb subplot; sensu Maguire & Forman, 1983). We measured several ecological variables (soil moisture, light climate…) and estimated coverage of ground vegetation per species.
We wonder, if are allowed to analyse this two data sets together in one mixed negative binomial model, with oak seedling density as dependent variable, ecological factors as fixed factors, large plots as random factor and take into account affiliation to each set of subplots as a fixed factor.
Maguire, D.A., Forman, R.T.T., 1983. Herb cover effects on tree seedling patterns in a mature Hemlock-Hardwood forest. Ecology 64, 1367-1380.

Many thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,

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