[R-sig-ME] glmmadmb mcmc - scale of variance components

Ben Bolker bbolker at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 19:28:50 CET 2014

On 14-01-15 05:18 AM, Torbjørn Ergon wrote:
> Dear list,
> Could anyone tell me what is the scale of the variance components
> (tempL.x parameters) in the mcmc output from glmmadmb (version 0.7.7)?
> From previous posts it seems that they are supposed to be log of the
> standard deviation in the random effects distribution, but I don't get
> any negative values (I expect variance <1) so I guess that has changed.
> Are they variances or standard deviations? I presume the
> variances/standard deviations are on the scale of the linear predictor.

 The vignette (vignette("glmmADMB",package="glmmADMB")) says (p. 15)
that tmpL contains the RE variances on the standard-deviation scale.
(And yes, this is on the scale of the linear predictor.)

   (I'm not claiming this information is easy to find!)

    Ben Bolker

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